Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin

A weekly Release of Esoteric Teachings

 Volume 8, No. 42                                                                                                         January 17, 1960


Dear Hearts of Light: 

In this world of form, man has, for the most part, in all his religions, chosen to place outside of himself, his teachers, his saints, his examples, and thus has separated himself from the One Presence within. 

You know the joyous feeling emitted when you meet and recognize a loved one (particularly when that one has for some reason been absent), well, that is but an infinitesimal foretaste of that exhilaration of the heart when you recognize and become aware of the Life-Flame that beats your own heart and is the One within you. "Behold, I AM with you always". 

Entering deeply into the peace and silence of active contemplation you will find that the Light from the Presence within will raise your capacity to perceive your Oneness with All that is. This will allow you to become aware of your unity with All Life, and you will know that all men and living creatures are your brothers. 

The great need of my chelas is to take time in contemplative effort in order to make the meaning of these humble communications of mine a part of their nature and feeling. Remember, beloved ones, the translation of knowledge from the Mental Body to the Feeling Body is as truly a transfusion as is any blood transfusion on Earth. In order to incorporate the accepted knowledge from cold, mechanical words through the Mental Body into the Feeling Body requires quiet and uninterrupted contemplation upon the Truths presented. 

The receiving of "The Communion" in the church services was originated and designed to draw the Spiritual Essence… the Christ Consciousness… through the aspirant. Embrace this Consciousness… this One-ness within… think upon it, feel it, not only in your worshipful moments, but as a conscious and constant embodiment which forms the course of your daily pattern. 

The sincere effort of the chela to make the knowledge and instruction an actual force by which he lives (and, I repeat, this is done by contemplation upon the Truths presented) will always attract to him the Presence of an Ascended One. 

I love you. I bless you. I AM always with you.

Love and Blessings,






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