Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin

A weekly Release of Esoteric Teachings


Volume 9, No. 33                                                                                               November 13, 1960


Dear Ones: 

All of Truth is now present and ever shall be. The willingness of the Self-conscious Intelligence to perceive this Truth, and live it, determines his state of consciousness and his Spiritual growth. The constructive expanding of consciousness is really increasing the state of awareness by the alert discriminating chela. 

At birth an infant is not aware of the world into which he has been precipitated, nor is he aware of those who are responsible for his sustenance and protection. Gradually a conscious perception of form is evolved from within him. When his consciousness has expanded sufficiently to recognize his parent or guardian as an individual from who flows both love and affection, great is the joy of the infant, the guardian or the parent. Thus step by step the child's perception increases the sum total of his environment, his consciousness has accepted and digested a fair share of the intellectual knowledge of the period which he has embodied. 

The Ascended Masters, by radiation and instruction, are hourly endeavoring to make the intelligent and beloved chela perceive and become aware of a much greater vista of Spiritual Truth than he, in his present somnambulistic state, realizes. 

The point of recognition and perception (as outlined above in the case of the infant) awakens a response in the feeling nature and results in an exalted consciousness which those in the East call “Illumination”. All of the Universe and its peoples have existed prior to the child's awareness of their presence - so does all Truth persist and exist. Although all men are not presently aware of it, it is to a gradual enfoldment of the chela’s consciousness which enables him to perceive, recognize and become aware of this state of exalted consciousness that we pour forth our Instruction and our Love. Please allow all your searching after Truth, and all your study to be followed by contemplation - so that your Spirit shall perceive the real God Truth set forth. Have the courage to face up to, and acknowledge and overcome the human frailties that cause you to stumble as you climb upwards to the Mount of Attainment, for by earnest self-examination you can cast aside the briars of human error which temporarily retards your Spiritual progress. 

Know, beloved, that I walk with you every step of the Way. I come from Realms beyond the power of your outer mind to conceive, although within your human consciousness there is some acceptance and recognition that such perfection and beauty must be the Power of the All-Good God. "I AM" would not make and sustain these Realms for a chosen few. They exist now for all and even in the midst of your present seeming limitation, they are attainable now for you, the moment you awake to this joyous knowledge. Joy does live now. Peace exists now. Vital health is now. There passes a time (after the birth of an infant ) during which his sight is not yet focused, though the light of the Sun is blessing him, the care of his parents are there, yet the child does not see or cognize these blessings, but there comes the Cosmic Moment when sight and awareness comes from within him. Open your inner eye and hear the voice of your Holy Christ Self within, and I assure you that you will be permanently free from human bondage.

 Love and Blessings,






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