A weekly Release of Esoteric Teachings


Volume 9, No. 35                                                                                                   November 27, 1960


Beloved of My Heart: 

God bless you. On Transmission Day, as we all join together in lovely Shamballa, I give you the Words, Radiation and Blessings of the Regent of the Lord of the World, Sanat Kumara. All of the Great White Brotherhood shall direct through you, each and every one, the blessings of this Thanksgiving and Christmas Season. Accept it, use it, benefit by it, in our name. 

Love and Blessings



SANAT KUMARA speaks:                                               

Transmission, Shamballa

November 19th. 1960. 

"Beloved and blessed friends of Love Divine, I greet in the Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood, which it was my joy to design to externalize eventually through the awakening of the consciousness of the more alert Spirit Sparks from the Heart of the Father, who in turn interested other in that Brotherhood of Love Divine. 

The Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood is a Spirit of Unity, such as the peoples of Earth do not remember and it is composed of all my endeavors from the time when I first left the Planet Venus with the Kumaras accompanying me, together with all of the endeavors of your present Lord of the World, Gautama, and every Elohim, Chohan, Archangel and Ascended Master who has given to that Brotherhood their Light, their interest, all of the activities of their own intelligence, allowing that Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood to utilize any one or more of them according to the direction of the Lord of the World, for the blessing of imprisoned life upon this planet Earth. 

What is that Unity but Love Divine - the love of the component parts which create the Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood, which is a living and palpable being which grows in intensity as every Ascended Master brings in the sheaves and harvest of each successive year, every unascended being achieves the Ascension and as every person on the planet Earth on this day of harvest bring to us at Shamballa the sheaves of works well done. 

Let that then be an example among the unascended chelas! Let the good flow through you like clear water through a faucet and give blessing and benediction to all you contact, for One Cause, to give greater Light to the planet Earth at this time and throughout the entire Holy Season particularly, when more of the Angelic Host are cognized and more of the Divine Beings are brought into the atmosphere of Earth through your Christmas Class and when more attention of the student body, as well as the many other people of Earth, are giving cognizance to the Angelic Host, and to Holy Mary, blessed Mother of Jesus, and to Jesus himself, and to the pageantry of Christmas time. 

Beloved ones, some of you helped me to create Shamballa; some of you came to Earth before me, taking embodiment through those who had less Spiritual development than yourselves, to help in the building of the beautiful White Island and that magnificent Temple and lesser Temples. That is why just to say 'Shamballa' brings to your hearts and your feelings particularly a great remembrance of happiness, for there is nothing in Shamballa, the original on Venus, the one which was on the Earth plane and which now pulsates in the Etheric Realm over the Gobi Desert, which is unhappy. 

Every pilgrim who enters into Shamballa, crossing the marble Bridge of Light takes off his shoes. That means symbolically that he places aside personal problems, approaching the Heart of the Lord of the World with a sense of gratitude for life. Every such pilgrim who has looked upon the Immortal Victorious Threefold Flame established so many eons ago by itself, comes forth from the Heart of Shamballa with renewed enthusiasm and desire to serve life, and to set imprisoned life free! 

This thirty-day period (November 15th through December 14th, 1960) is devoted as you know to bringing in the sheaves of all, each according to their respective office. Even the tiniest elemental (perhaps the size of a head of a pin) is allowed opportunity to bring in the sheave of his harvest, and that harvest too is great if he has brought forth blossom, shrub or fruit and someone has partaken of it in enjoyment, that little being has great opportunity and is quite delighted to place among the bouquet of Flame Flowers at the side of the Altar, the gift of his blessing and gratitude for the opportunity of doing so. If he could draw forth enough intelligence to design the smallest blossom or shrub, and then tenacity enough to sustain it, and generosity enough to allow it to pass into the beneficial use of mankind, rejoicing in the gift given and never being even cognized by the beneficiary, think then what a human being who has association with us can do! 

That capacity, beloved ones, to draw your design mentally, to energize it with your feelings, to precipitate it consciously and then to give it impersonally to whatever part of life requires it, and to remain so humble that no one ever knows that you drew it forth, except your Guru and the expansion of the Light in your own Causal Body, is a great gift which can be manifest through each and every one of you and should be manifest through you in this hour! It is easy enough to draw a concept, to energize it with feeling and to manifest it. That has been going on for ages of time. But the ending is usually 'I have done it'. Surely, have done it, but that little 'i' meaning the outer personality when it cognizes itself as the doer of the deed will find the precipitation or the power to utilize it at a moment’s notice fades until-they can truly understand that when they said 'I have done it', they speak of the Presence of God - "I AM" - the only Acting Presence that creates Perfection which, through them, can do it, and to get that same feeling which Jesus expressed often 'I of myself - that is the outer self can do nothing but the Father of Life within me doeth the work.' 

Let us as we are entering into the joyous festivities of the Harvest begin to make an inventory, so to speak, of our thoughts, feelings, words and actions through periods of introspection. Wherein we find there is something missing, let us call to these Ascended Master sponsors who have been trained for a thousand years, to whom Lord Gautama has assigned you, each one, to fill in those apparent detections with the required God Virtue and create a perfect man or woman. IT CAN BE DONE! 

It seems to me rather foolish and recalcitrant that there had to be two thousand years between One Perfect Being, Jesus, and the coming of another one like unto him! Why, there should be Perfect Beings through the radiation and instruction we have given expressed each and every day - perfect in humility, patience, wisdom and all of the God Virtues. I know this can be done! 

Lord Gautama always sits on the right side of the altar, guarding that Immortal Victorious Three-fold Flame the great procession coming in, proceeded by - the Silent Watcher of the Earth, Immaculata herself, as she brings the duplicate of the original World Plan, Gautama places his hand upon her in gratitude for her fidelity and then accepts that duplicate, and offers it to me. I raise it on high so that all of the Assembly may see it. Then I place it here with the gifts. 

After Immaculata come the Great Beings in graded order, and following them their chelas. All the chelas wear the color of their Ascended Master's Ray. Some are behind the Elohim, some behind the Archangels, the Chohans; some walk rather independently we shall say, up to and kneel before Lord Gautama, before the Immortal Victorious Three-fold Flame, place their sheaves upon the altar, and then reverently, still facing the Lord of the World, proceed into the ante chamber. That makes a complete circle - they enter and kneel before Lord Gautama and proceed through the Main Assembly. Then they gather together, and do something which is peculiar to many of the people of Earth - they go into one of the lesser Temples and absorb the radiation, and pray in gratitude for having witnessed this Ceremonial and in gratitude for my Presence, Gautama’s Presence, the Presence of their Ascended Master friends. Thus they do not dissipate the energies of any Ceremonial but rather sustain it by the power of Love. 

Today, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, I give to you the Blessings of the Great White Brotherhood and the Blessings of Shamballa, in gratitude for what you have done to make the Light of the World greater, to bring in your sheaves and harvest, and in every way in which you have served me so that I could return Home to the planet Venus and then come again to you and be now, as always, your servant in the Light!"

                                                    Love and Blessings,