Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin

A weekly Release of Esoteric Teachings


Volume 9, No. 45                                                                                                          February 5, 1961


My Beloved Children: 

The return to the Kingdom of God must be a voluntary one by man. The Ascended Masters have become Lords of Life through their self-conscious choice of the constructive use of God-energy. The Heavenly Realm is one of Peace and Light. As you know, many, many of the Ascended Host have foresworn Nirvana to assist the children of Earth to achieve like Victory, and return to their Heavenly home. 

The Ascended Ones have built a tremendous momentum of Godly thought and Godly feeling, which was the springboard from whence their Spirits ascended into the Realm of Eternal Light and Life. That momentum is a sustained part of their life and continues to grow as they draw more energy from the Universal I AM Presence and utilize it for the good of man in answer to the calls of the children of Earth. 

The Representatives or Ambassadors of the Kingdom of Heaven do not present their credentials indiscriminately, and for the most part man is unaware of their Presence on Earth until an individual is found who is sensitive enough to contact these Emissaries and spread their words of Enlightenment. Without these dedicated lifestreams (who have spent embodiment after embodiment in preparation) the upward reaching souls of man would progress ever more slowly due to the mass effluvia in which they dwell. 

As the consciousness of man is raised by these Wayshowers, so in time shall the mass of mankind find the Bridge within themselves to the Inner Kingdom, and cross it to and fro through meditation. The greater the momentum in the upreaching of the Spirit, the easier it becomes for each individual who joins that co-operative aspiration, because the great momentum of the Ascended Ones becomes a voltage to the Spirit, who thus will join his forces with those great Cosmic Beings. 

By stilling the outer clamor and holding true to the awareness of the Christ-Consciousness working through him and the use of the Violet Fire of Transmutation the chela can re-form (or remake) his world and surroundings.

Love and Blessings,








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