Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin

A weekly Release of Esoteric Teachings



Volume 10, No. 11                                                                                                           June 11, 1961


Beloved Children of My Heart: 

There are many of my present-day chelas who, through previous embodiments have the ability to personally understand the nature and practical affairs of national, international and Spiritual import, wherein other of my friends are not yet so greatly versed. But to all my children, I say, your calls for peace and harmony in all government affairs upon this small but temporarily turbulent planet bring joy to the hearts of those of us in our Realm who have dedicated themselves to lifting the Earth from the shadows. Be assured that we respond swiftly and bless you for these calls. 

Since time began, down through the centuries, a certain amount of wisdom from the Higher Spheres was brought forth and preserved in the hearts and minds of a few advanced Initiates, who established and maintained the Wisdom Religions and by word of mouth alone passed on the words of invocation and Cosmic Truths to their chosen and worthy successors. Through the vanity of outer thinking, the pure consciousness Passing from generation to generation eventually became clouded and veiled by man's baser concepts until the original Truth was lost and the importance and power of invocation became a lost art even as the Holy Bible, in its many translations has lost a great deal of its original verity. 

Founders of the Wisdom Religions gladly accepted re-embodiment over and over and revived the power of invocation, so again the Spiritual Currents invoked by their heartfelt awareness of the One Eternal God I AM re-established and sustained at various points on Earth, centers of power which help to hold the balance of the entire planet and its people. These invocations, pouring forth as radiating centers of Light, are not passing fancies but remain ever as Fountains of Light and an Eternal Activity from God’s Heart in the localities wherein they abide. 

So, dear hearts, whether you be one or many who call to the Light to transmute and then dissolve the evil blueprints which create discord, distrust and confusion at specific points on the planet at certain times and when you use the Power of God's Breath aloud in speaking with authority, you are actually creating a Living Fountain of Light, Stability and Peace to do this. 

Disassociating the mind from the form (which to man seems so solid and so unyielding) and knowing that every individualized God-Focus is but a focus of consciousness, it will be easier to transform and transmute the human into the Divine, (also every transient evil vortex is but a condensation of impure consciousness). 

Again I remind my faithful chelas that they are outposts of Light and their every spoken word has Power, either to sustain imperfection or to dissipate evil and recreate permanent good! For this were you endowed with the power of speech and the intelligence to use that power constructively, in Love, through the authority of our own I AM Presence.

Love and Blessings,











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