Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin

A weekly Release of Esoteric Teachings


Volume 11, No. 33                                                                                               November 11, 1962


Friends of My Heart: 

The alert chela examines the ideas that arise and persist within his consciousness. He takes time, after examining them, to tune himself into his Higher Self that the Divine Design presented to him may be brought forth in a most harmonious manner. 

It is a fact, of course, that no idea in the universe ever became a manifestation until some incarnate being gave of his energy and clothed that idea with the substance of his physical world, thus bringing it into manifest form. 

The majority of mankind in their vanity and ignorance do not know how to protect themselves by the use of the Sacred Fire. The evil feelings and emanations flowing from the fear-ridden human thinking permeate the atmosphere and live only on the energy of anyone who permits his attention to dwell upon them. Newspaper headlines, radio and television news broadcasts, all emphasize the sound and fury and evils of earthly living, in this way they hope by getting the attention of their listeners and readers, to sell their wares. Whatever is frightening to the inner nature attracts these evil forms and they live on the energy given them by fear. To dissolve doubt and fear by knowing that the Invincible "I AM" Presence is ever acting through enlightened man lifts the chela from this river of human thinking, and these fear-thoughts, stripped of the sustaining power of energy on which they live, shall disintegrate. 

So whenever a thought of criticism, resentment, ill-health or lack enters the consciousness and the individual thinks upon it and frets over it, he is giving it strength and form. When assailed by such thoughts and word-pictures, if the chela lifts his consciousness to the blessings which are his, through his knowledge of the Sacred Fire, he dissipates the intruder and thus renders a service to Life, therefore it will never express in his life again, nor can it attach itself to any other person who has not yet acquired knowledge of the Law unless he draws it into his world through the magnet of his attention. 

The Light of the Holy Spirit is ever flowing through the faithful wayfarer, giving strength to his thoughts, his actions, and flowing into the outer world, too, on his words. 

The natural vibratory action of every incarnate soul is harmonious. When the chela knows and lives this Truth he is a channel for the Light Rays into his world and into the universe. He brings peace and blessing wherever he moves upon the Earth, and it is well for him to remember that it is the radiation pouring forth from his I AM Presence, that accomplishes this sustained assistance for those in his world. 

Fear not to follow through and clothe those persistent ideas which are good, which are harmonious, and which may bring joy, peace and help to another wayfarer, for they come from the Heart of God.

 Love and Blessings,






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