A weekly Release of Esoteric Teachings


Volume 11, No. 35                                                                                                   November 25, 1962


Beloved Chelas: 

For the full effect of Freedom to be felt, the Cause of Freedom must first be established. Among you, dear ones are many who have served the Cause of Freedom for centuries in various activities, where mankind desired to have the fruits of Freedom and you knew instinctively that the fruits came to those, who served the Cause. Many times, too, you willingly laid down your earthly lives to serve this Cause. 

The Cause of Freedom has been paraphrased through centuries wherever men were stirred to valorous action on behalf of country, king, or God, yet if they were asked to define that Cause, there are but few who would accurately express an understanding of Freedom's Cause. 

What is the Cause of Freedom? God! The innate God-Identity of every man has within it, the inherent realization that Freedom and Godliness (or the active obedience to the one Law for the good of all) are One. 

Expansion, unfoldment, perfection, awareness (this latter especially) is the Divine Fiat of Life. All of these qualities require Freedom in order to manifest. A tightly closed rosebud requires Freedom and awareness of Light to become a full-blown rose. Even the Power of Helios requires Freedom to shine. If a black shade is put over a window the Sun does not shine through. Animal, plant, tree or man all require Freedom to breathe. There is no such thing as progress or evolution, or in fact, Being without Freedom. Freedom is the One Light which animates all, stretching out its arms to increase. Freedom is God in action. Freedom is not a quality which is infected into an individual, for the Love of Freedom is as inherent within Life as is the Love of Life itself. 

Freedom, Expansion and Awareness are One. Freedom and Activity are One. Freedom and the One Light which animates all are One. Fear not present appearances of strife and discord within nations, groups and individuals, for in this New Day, dedicated to the Freedom of this Planet and this system of worlds, you will see the God-Power stretching forth and bursting the chains of limitations for all enslaved nations and peoples and worlds. 

My love and peace enfold you.

                                                    Love and Blessings,