Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin

A weekly Release of Esoteric Teachings 

Volume 11, No. 46                                                                                           February 10, 1963


Beloved Wayfarers: 

Everything in the universe comes from within out, from the bubbling spring that feeds the great river to the small bulb or seed that sends forth roots of stem and flower. 

Man is no exception to this rule which governs the Nature Kingdom, and for this reason the external sight and the other faculties of the outer self cannot judge wisely or accurately the progress or unfoldment of the Spiritual Nature, any more than the untrained individual could tell you by looking at an assortment of brown, dried bulbs or seeds what wealth of beauty and perfection would proceed from these external husks. The scientific farmer or gardener, however, would take no notice of the external appearance but would proceed with the true knowledge of what was contained within and which would externalize in the way of beauty, perfection and supply in the natural course of enfoldment from seed or flower, grain or tree. 

It is in this manner that the Ascended Masters look upon mankind of the Planet - with the expert eye and fore-knowledge as to what the fruit and flower will proceed from the present husks which seem so unpromising to the human consciousness of the unskilled lifestream who has not yet developed the perception required to become a harvester of souls. 

One should realize, therefore, like the expert gardener, that every bulb and seed contains a potential future of beauty and perfection because God, the Creator of ALL Life, could not create otherwise. By this process of reasoning the outer mind will learn that the mankind of the Earth, in like manner, have a potential God Destiny, which is as inevitable as the destiny and produce from Nature's Kingdom. 

Therefore, in all your dealings with others REMEMBER that they, too, although presenting an outer appearance which seems to lack promise, shall one day burst through the husks of that outer self to manifest perfection and beauty that cannot yet be seen by the mind of man.

Love and Blessings,





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