Printz’ Private Bulletin
A weekly Release of Esoteric Teachings
Volume 12, No. 12 June 23, 1963
My Friends in the Light:
When individuals have a certain spiritual leaning for any particular one of the various religious beliefs in the world today - their physical bodies are drawn together in churches, at lectures, monasteries or retreats. However, far more important than this physical proximity is the meetings of these inner bodies with the Members of the Ascended Host who have the same sympathetic interests, and therefore the same sympathetic vibrations with the aspirants and spiritual seekers.
As has been said, it is the currents of energy or feeling (above and below) which form the magnet that draws together persons who share a common interest or pleasure - be it religion, art, drama or sports. Even in a greater measure like attracts like above just as it does below. Surprising it would be to the average individual to see how many mental and emotional bodies of incarnate souls are gathered about the Personal Presence of the Chohans and Masters dedicated to certain services for the race. The closer the chela can keep his inner bodies to the Masters and who is consciously aware of this fact, the more perfect will be his own life expression in his service to the Cause.
The inner body is not bound as is the flesh form to a cumbersome means of transportation and also to the dictates of time and space, so the emotional and mental bodies can remain within the aura of the Ascended Master while the physical form goes about its mundane affairs. This is accomplished by deliberately keeping the thoughts 'On High' and the feelings calm.
Great is the recompense that shall be accorded the chela who consciously works steadily with the Ascended Host at this critical period in the Earth's evolution. There is nothing to be feared by the faithful chela in the present quickly moving changes, rather is he blessed and protected as a valuable instrument of Light.
I lay the cloak of my Love and my Presence on the shoulders of each of my faithful children.
Love and Blessings of