The Bridge
to Freedom, Inc.SPECIAL GIFT LETTER - June 1963
The souls of men today are being stripped of the artificial sustenance by which they sustained an abnormal life which has no part in the great Divine Plan for the Universe and for the sons of men. Century after century the souls have sought happiness and escape through all the avenues of self-expression, and the temporary stimulus was sufficient to keep in motion the consciousness within the lifestream, although that motion did not signify progress. As each soul now comes to a point where all its searching and striving result only in the husks that are empty and barren, there comes a period of confusion and chaos wherein they feel a loss that can no longer be assuaged by any facet which they have tapped or have access to. This period of desolation is likened unto those lean years spoken of by Joseph the Prophet unto the pharaoh.
The end of the cycle approaches and the naked soul stripped of its artificial stimulation must be turned toward the Spiritual Source which it unconsciously is yearning for, and for which it has been seeking through all the various by-ways of human experience. This is a most terrible and trying time for the entire humanity, because of the uncertainty and bewilderment as this stripping process proceedeth, and there must be raised up and sustained among the sheep those shepherds who can give to them the Spiritual succor and food through invocation to carry them through the hour of desolation to the hour when the Light of day penetrates through the chaos, and they begin the conscious journey home.
My call to you is for a tremendous and constant invocation for the 'Spiritual Substance' to feed the souls of men in this hour and through this crisis which is universal in its activity. To see a proud man humbled is a difficult experience even for a Master to witness, and yet that must come for any intellectual consciousness that must proceed on its knees through the gate of humility which is not high enough for an upright man until one has passed through the passage into the King's Presence.
I enfold you in my Mantle of the Comforting Presence of the Holy Spirit which will sustain you, and as you choose to accept it as a permanent gift, the love of that Comforting Presence will flow forth from you to all life everywhere, which is one of the requisites to attaining Mastery.