Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin

A weekly Release of Esoteric Teachings

Volume 12, No. 28                                                                                                            Oct. 13, 1963



Beloved Children: 

The Almighty Divine Consciousness of the 'I AM' Presence is not easily assimilated by the intellectual consciousness of the human self. The mental concept of the Divine Consciousness is a necessary prerequisite to the union with the Christ Self and all deep study, contemplation and application are bent toward the preparation for that hour when the mighty, boundless Divine Consciousness shall merge with, catch up and transmute the consciousness of the outer self. 

The endeavor toward right thinking, right feeling and right living are all made by the personal self when an individual sincerely sets foot upon the Path leading toward Spiritual At-One-Ment. 

When the outer consciousness becomes aware of the Divine Scheme of the Universe and through the faculties which it has used during its exile in the consciousness of the little self, it begins to build a bridge or communication between itself and the Divine Spiritual Self. 

When sufficient endeavor of a sustained and constant character has drawn the attention of the I AM Presence, the Holy Christ Self begins to take a tremendous personal interest in raising and transforming the personality. People who are fortunate enough to have secured the co-operation and sustained interest of the 'I AM' Presence are easily discernible among the masses as more and more of the Divine consciousness vitalizes and directs the raising, transforming and blending processes.

Thus the effort of self-will lessens and the individual's accomplishment increases one hundredfold. This is the inner meaning of what the church calls 'being born again' for men and women and children, until the tremendous glory of the Presence becomes an active, conscious part of life and their consciousness is raised by self-effort above those who have not received anything beyond the birth into the third dimensional plane and the mass mind. 

The Spiritual Birth comes to every man according to his previous experience, some in one lifetime and some in another, some early in childhood and some very late in the Autumn of life's experience, but it is the mystic union toward which all must aspire and which when once attained, makes the lifestream incapable of unhappiness, loneliness or any of the outer experiences that the lower self so often passes through before such an union occurs. 

Remember always that it is millions of years since the I AM Presence of man has even been considered as part of the lifestream and that is a matter of very sincere feeling which will convince that Presence that it is the hour and instant, when the greatest union can be accomplished in order that the Presence may withdraw its attention from its tremendous Cosmic Activities and direct it towards freeing the outer or lower self.

Love and Blessings,







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