Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin

A weekly Release of Esoteric Teachings

VOLUME 12, Number 40                                                                                       January 5, 1964


Children of the Father: 

The human race, having been endowed with the creative power through thought and feeling, every activity in which they are engaged contains some of the thought and feeling of each individual connected with it. 

When it is a co-operative venture such as the establishment of a home, a business or a religious order, an Elemental is formed and its consciousness is determined by the type of energy released from the lifestreams interested therein. This Elemental has a form and a body, and it is primarily a feeling creature, because on the Planet Earth every manifest form is seventy to eighty percent a feeling Being. The planet, itself, is eighty percent emotional and all life upon it must duplicate the planet in regard to the proportions of substance that make up its form. 

Individuals, through worry, fear, doubt, greed and all the human emotions CHARGE into these Elemental qualities that become its nature, as the stripes are the nature of the tiger or the trunk of the elephant. This Elemental created by human mind through thought and feeling, send back to its creators exactly what they themselves created. 

If people could understand this in the marriage relationship, in business associations and in religious affiliations, they would more carefully sustain their composite entity, knowing full well that the fruit thereof would be bitter or sweet in the mouth according to the nature of the tree. 

To call into the heart of such an Elemental the Ascended Master feeling, visualize the luminous Presence of the Master, the activity of the Love Star or some cosmic outpouring - this would change the nature of the Elemental and the resultant benefit to all concerned would be positive proof of the efficacy of this application. 

I represent the Heart of the Feeling Nature to the Planet Earth and I would be most eager to accept invitations to treat the feeling nature of any elemental you are interested in personally, as well as the feeling nature of all mankind.

Love and Blessings,










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