Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin

A weekly Release of Esoteric Teachings


Volume 12, No. 43                                                                                                                January 26, 1964

Beloved of My Heart: 

I come again to bring to you the gift of my Life - the gift of all the experience that has, through the centuries, evolved that which is called 'my own Individualized Consciousness', and within which is all the knowledge attained through my search for UNITY with the Father who gave me Individualized Being and whose purpose I would serve in order to justify my appearance in the Universe, and to complement the First Cause from whence I sprang. 

You, beloved friends, have upon Life's Pathway desired to know the NATURE OF GOD - to partake of his interest and to uniformly and joyously join in his endeavor to serve the Universe and the Beings within it. 

When such a purpose arises within the soul, the individual becomes, at that moment, a charge of the Radiation of the Holy Spirit, and from that time forth it becomes the joyous privilege of such a representative to soften the Radiation of God's Nature and transmit that softened glow into the consciousness of the aspiring ones, even as the Mercy of Love has softened the Light of the Spiritual Sun through the gracious medium of Beloved Helios so that its effulgent splendor might not distress the peoples of Earth. 

It is a most awesome responsibility to undertake to interpret the very nature of the Godhead and in no small measure impress upon it any personal radiation, softening the Light of the Spiritual Sun in power and quantity. This is the Office of the Maha Chohan, and it is why Truth is the Complement (Pallas Athena) of the activity of the third person of the Trinity. 

As I again turn my attention to the Source from whence comes my Life, I shall ask that, in some manner, my own nature may stimulate within your feelings an interest deep enough to raise you, even for an instant, into a consciousness where you can contemplate the plan of the Father, and that LOVE shall make you manifest that Plan through the expansion of your own nature in Godly Dedication.

Love and Blessings,