The   Bridge to Freedom, Inc.






When the neophyte stands before the Representative of the Great White Brotherhood in the Heart of the Ceremonial Initiation, he applies for more understanding, knowledge and power by which to serve mankind and increase his capacity of usefulness to the cause of Love. 

His evolution at this point becomes three-fold. Up to the point where he has entered the outer court of the Brotherhood, he has been engaged in the finding of his own connection with God, and in the experience life by which he has learned through the 'trial and error method' that the use of energy must be harmoniously qualified to ensure good in his personal experience. He has been an unconscious conductor for certain blessings to life according to his particular nature, but at the time of initiation when he has reached his spiritual maturity, he immediately becomes responsible to the Great Cosmic Law and to the Universal Brotherhood for the performing of some specific service as a balance to the Brotherhood for the expenditure of their time, encouragement, courtesy and instruction. In other words, he must be a facet for some cosmic blessing to flow through, but all his evolutionary effort, his progress upon the evolutionary ladder, his development by means of this individual avenue of service must be performed wholly for the good of God and his fellowman with no recompense except that of blessing and the happiness derived from expanding good. 

For the chelas drawn together under my colors, the rendering of service is two-fold:

1. The establishment and maintenance of the Central Focus through which the Great White Brotherhood serve, and the dissemination of their instruction to fellow travelers on the Path…  

2.  The establishment and maintenance of a pattern of instruction for the youth. 

You have all acquitted yourselves very beautifully in the service of maintaining an Ashram for the Brotherhood, and now I know we can depend upon you in the expanded Activity of the Central Focus for the Planet. 

Passing through tests and trials you have not been found wanting and this gives the Brotherhood cause for great hope that the future will yield you individual peace, increased powers and capacity to serve. We have not forced your spiritual powers, but as you have sensed and felt, you are now invested with greater capacity than intellectually you know. These powers will make future service more simple, and yet far more valuable to our Planet. 

We congratulate everyone for the responsibilities you took at inner levels and you have executed them with great fidelity and constancy.