Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin

A weekly Release of Esoteric Teachings 

Volume 14, No. 4                                                                                                                      April 25, 1965


Beloved Children: 

Let us turn our attention to the Kingdom of Nature. In its real expression, it gives us a lesson of the Truth of Life. The trunk of the tree represents the Spiritual "I AM" Presence and the many branches are the lifestreams activities through the various spheres of life. The bud, the leaf, flower and fruit are representative of the personality of the lifestream in a certain season, or incarnation. 

An excellent example of the entire Identity of man is the fruit of the tree. You will recall that the symbol of the Tree of Life was used in earlier times in the teaching of the Law of Life. The study of the rhythmic course of the season show that the bud, leaf, flower and fruit make a temporary appearance in the world of form, abide there for a time, and then disappear. Even the unawakened lifestream knows that the tree does not cease to be through the passing of its seasonal harvest. 

Man, however, in the course of his entrance into the world of form in thousands of embodiments, places his interest, faith and consciousness in the 'bud' of one season. If, through natural manifestation or some other reason the flower does not bloom, man suffers unnecessary grief in seeing what he believes the extinction of a soul on Earth. In the Nature Kingdom he accepts the fact that an early bud is replaced by another, and no harm - is done. The same is true in the world of men. 

I bring this lesson to your attention to further imprint upon your consciousness that 'there is no death'. We have just had the benefit of the magnificent radiation attendant to the celebration of the Feast of Easter at which time our beloved Master Jesus sent such a powerful radiation into the Earth plane of the Resurrection and the Life. 

My beloved chelas, through the power of the Resurrection Flame draw forth into expression in the world of form those dormant God Qualities which just await your acceptance for the benefaction of yourself and all mankind. Permit the 'buds' of your lifestream to come into full flower through recognition of the God Power within and living in a state of Grace, through the harmonious control of your energy - God's Energy so freely allotted to you.

Love and Blessings,