Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin

A weekly Release of Esoteric Teachings


Volume 14, No. 20                                                                                                          August 15, 1965


Children of God: 

While the shadows which encompass this Earth at the present time seem of great-magnitude, I assure you that every blessed chela and any other constructive individuals, who are following the Divine Plan to the best of their ability, are dissipating the central core of imperfection imposed on this Planet. 

If I seem to continually prod you on to be constant in your daily use of the Sacred Fire of Transmutation for the purification of this Earth and all therein and thereon, it is because your constancy will keep the clouds of darkness from becoming denser and therefore requiring even greater application for their dissolution! 

Within the Hearts of Beloved Virgo and Pelleur is the ever-pulsating Flame holding the Perfection for this Earth as cradled in the bosom of the Beloved Immaculata, the Silent Watcher for the Earth. Their Immaculate Concept for the Planet never changes, just as the Flame within your heart is ever waiting for your complete surrender of self to become the Christ Principle embodied therein. 

I counsel you to be ever-constant in your application to remove the causes and cores of imperfection which have imposed a 'soiled garment' on the body of Beloved Virgo, and in your vigilance shall the Light garment for this Earth become more visible and the shadows disappear. 

In all your activities clothe yourselves round with a buoyant feeling of Happiness and that which might seem to your outer consciousness to be a task, will more and more be that of Joy in Service.

Love and Blessings,







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