Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin

A weekly Release of Esoteric Teachings


Volume 14, No. 17                                                                                                                  July 25, 1965


Beloved Ones: 

I wish to ask my chelas for the assistance in making calls for the excessive weather conditions throughout the Planet to be normalized. Extremes in weather cause great havoc to all the Kingdoms inhabiting this Earth. Drought, floods and all destructive activities are not in accord with the Divine Plan. 

When the Forces of the Elements 'go on a rampage' and bring chaos in various localities, or withhold the substance which is their particular service to life, it is due to the fact that they are rebelling against the impurities which have been imposed upon them through the ages, the vortices which have not been purified through the invocation of the chelas who are aware of their existence. 

Since we of the Spiritual Hierarchy are appealing to the chelas to go into dynamic action for the purification of the Earth through the invocation of the Sacred Transmuting Fire, and have received tremendous cooperation thus far, for which we are most grateful, I further ask that you concentrate for this next week, at least, on the correction of the extreme weather conditions. 

Call that the causes and cores of distress imposed upon the Elemental Kingdom since the beginning of time, be transmuted into harmony and that the Human and Elemental Kingdoms cooperate one with the other to bring about the Perfection required, in accordance with the Divine Plan. 

In my office as Maha Chohan, you are aware that it is my privilege to be very closely associated with the Elemental Kingdom and I assure you that this appeal for the purification of the Elements is dear to my Heart, and an activity of great importance at this time.

Love and Blessings,