Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin

A weekly Release of Esoteric Teachings 

Volume 14, No. 43                                                                                                     January 23, 1966


Children of God: 

Further on the subject of the Causal Body: 

Now, what does one do when they reach up into the Heart of the Causal Body? It is not a raising of arms and hands to draw forth the Gift which is desired or required, although in sure instances, the physical act of the upreaching of the physical arms enables one to visualize and provide a way for the return Blessing. 

Entering the Heart of The Causal Body is not a physical act, rather it is the stilling of the outer self and entering into the Christ within and it is that tranquil God-self seated upon the throne within your heart which is the conductor of all the Perfection from the Causal Body. As you know, the Christ Self can only act in your world when it is permitted to do so. And, that permission comes through submission of the lower vehicles, all four of them, at the feet of the Christ within. 

Each of you have some heart desire for the benefaction of the race, and for your own individual use, to further the Cause of World Good, be it Peace, Comfort, Tolerance, Musical Expression, Financial Supply, or other God attributes. 

I suggest that you cultivate the Gift of Tranquility, not to be confused with inertia, which will speed up your progress as initiates of the Holy Spirit, one of whose gifts to the evolutions of this Earth is that of guiding the chelas to be Peace Commanding Presences. 

When we see that the chelas are-reaching the state where they can be empowered with greater Service, we bring to their attention those suggestions which will afford them this opportunity, when of their own free will choice they follow the instructions presented, albeit they are oft repeated.

Love and Blessings,








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