Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin

A weekly Release of Esoteric Teachings


Volume 16, No. 12                                                                                                   June 18, 1967


Beloved Ones: 

How often it has been said that "history repeats itself" 

Why is this? For the very same reason that certain tendencies in the lifestreams on the Planet find the re-appearance on, the screen of life of imperfect habits which they have formed through the centuries which have registered in their etheric vehicles and on that of the locality itself. 

I do not have to further elaborate about the dweller on the threshold. You are aware of this imperfection and are, thank the Almighty, assiduously calling for the removal of the causes and cores of these patterns. 

In a similar manner, various Nations have etheric patterns, both positive and negative, and from time to time individuals re-embody in the locations that have been part of those patterns, and when not constructive tune into the nefarious practices, the hate, greed and fear which at one time or another spewed forth from the still to be purified etheric pattern. 

When you are calling for the transmutation of imperfection in a specific locality, you can be greatly assisted if you will ask the Silent Watcher of the community, or on a larger scale a Nation or Continent, to take some of the energy which you are releasing and use it for the direction of the Divine Plan which she holds into the consciousness of constructive individuals directly concerned with the outpicturing of perfection thereon. 

In this manner, you will not only give amplified service to the community for which you are calling, but will enable the specific Silent Watcher to direct more of the beautiful Perfection which she holds into the still imperfect condition - thus amplifying the good for those directly concerned, and since no two vibrations can exist at the same time, in the same place the more Perfection released, the less the negative will outpicture. 

Of course, you realize that your own Silent Watcher is the glorious Christ Presence within your hearts, who is ever in attendance waiting to absorb your human consciousness into Perfection, thus fulfilling the Divine Plan for your individual lifestream.

Love and Blessings,










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