Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin

A weekly Release of Esoteric Teachings


Volume 16, No. 27                                                                                                 Oct. 1, 1967


Beloved of the Light: 

I find there is some consternation in the minds of some of my chelas as to the meaning of "the dweller on the threshold", and I shall give a very simple and understandable reply. 

When man first fell from Grace and decided to experiment on his own, without the Directing Intelligence of the Holy Christ Self, creation of an imperfect nature took place. Each such pattern, or form, made by the individual became his responsibility, and one day must be transmuted by the Sacred Fire into something of a Perfect Nature - representative of the Supreme Creator. 

As time passed and other lifestreams sent forth forms of a similar nature on their own, so to speak, and the adage of "like attracts like" became apparent, the creation of a mass entity of some activity of an imperfect nature took place. 

And, as the individual who originally sent forth the imperfection returned, again and again, to the schoolroom of Earth, he brought with him the imperfect forms for which he was responsible, and further, he tied into the imperfect entity which he and others had built through their many and varied sojourns.

Not to discourage you in any way, but to further impress upon your consciousness the importance of the continual use of the Sacred Fire, most individuals have created more than one discordant pattern and the "dweller on the threshold", or the imperfect pattern, will be a part of his heritage UNTIL IT IS TRANSMUTED by the Sacred Fire. 

Your etheric vehicle houses the dweller - or dwellers - on your threshold and you will surely see the Wisdom and the necessity for the constant reminders by the Spiritual Hierarchy, to PURIFY, PURIFY, and PURIFY all your vehicles through the merciful activity of the Sacred Fire.

Love and Blessings,









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