Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin

A weekly Release of Esoteric Teachings


Volume 16, No. 44                                                                                     January 28, 1968

Beloved Chelas: 

Amid all the discordant radiation which is emanating from the planet Earth at this time, evoked through the activities of the escalation of war in various countries throughout the Globe, I wish to bring to your attention the very beautiful activity of the Circle and Sword of Blue Flame with the Golden Radiation of Divine Illumination which took place at the Transmission of the Flame Ceremonies on January 20th from the Retreat of the Beloved Archangel Michael. 

Beloved Lady Astraea and Beloved Kenich Ahan were the Guests at Lord Michael's Retreat, and when Beloved Michael breathed upon the Flame of Illumined Faith and Protection - directing it around the Earth, this Flame took on the form of miniature Thought Forms of this Year 1968. The Spiritual Hierarchy were indeed pleased at the acceptance of this activity in the worlds of a great number of the chelas participating in the Transmission Activity through the almost awed feeling of reverence which permeated their beings. 

I bring this specifically to your attention to impregnate your consciousness with the knowledge that, while the Circle and Sword of Blue Flame Activity is one of mighty force, when the chelas have raised their vehicles through purification by the Sacred Fire, particularly the employment of the Violet Fire of Transmutation coupled with Divine Love, as was the activity for the Year 1967, any God Activity of an accelerated power can be received and used for the benefaction of all life without stress or strain. 

Your heart-felt acceptance of the Thought Form for this year will do tremendous service to this planet presently enveloped in chaotic pulsations of dire nature, and will pave the way for God's Will to manifest through the acceptance of the Flame of God Illumination. 

I entreat you, beloved ones, to use and use the Activity of the Year and the Violet Transmuting Flame in, through and around the causes and cores of all war, planned or in action, so that the Earth, top-heavy with discordant radiation, may resume her rightful stature in the Cosmic Scheme for this Galaxy, and that Peace and Harmony may reign. Remember, Peace within your

own feeling worlds is of the utmost importance. I trust that a word to the wise will be sufficient; for you are Radiating Centers for all mankind.

Love and Blessings,