Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin

A weekly Release of Esoteric Teachings


Volume 16, No. 52                                                                                          March 24, 1968


My Beloved Chelas: 

You cannot possibly realize the Gratitude and Happiness which are mine as I have an opportunity to speak with you at regular weekly intervals, through the channel of THE BULLETIN, permitting the expansion of the Light upon this Earth. Through this avenue of Service, we can give you Directives which are of current and continued import, and your co-operation assists in forwarding the evolution of this Planet. 

"I AM" pleased with the alertness of many of the chelas as you have seen the importance of making calls for the forthcoming Presidential Elections in the United States. It is imperative that individuals in positions of national authority dedicate and consecrate themselves to the Principles upon which this Country was founded (under the guidance of our beloved Ascended Master Saint Germain and other members of the Spiritual Hierarchy). 

I do not speak of the United States alone, for Decrees should go forth for any Nation who uses the free will system by which individuals are placed in the High Offices of directing the affairs of State and Nation. 

However, as the United States is the Heart of the Planet - spiritually speaking, the directives which go forth on its pulse-beat affect the entire planet. It is for this reason that I counsel you to make calls for the forthcoming Presidential Elections so that Ascended Master Government shall manifest and this Nation shall cradle, nourish and expand the Will of God for all her peoples; and then its very heart-beat will add to the Light of the World. 

The Mighty Sponsors of the Year, Beloved Saint Germain, and the entire Spiritual Hierarchy await your calls so that they may have the energy required to bring forth the Flame of God Illumination in expanded and accelerated measure through the process of Purification and Transmutation. 

This is a crucial hour in the Earth's evolution, and I know that my chelas will respond to this - my Heart Call!

Love and Blessings of






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