Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin

A weekly Release of Esoteric Teachings


Volume 18, No. 4                                                                                                                     April 27, 1969


Beloved Chelas: 

The consciousness of the mass of unascended mankind is, for the most part, centered outside of the Real Self, whiles the Consciousness of the Father-Mother God, the Cosmic and Ascended Beings, holds all mankind, the Nature Kingdom, the Earth and the Universe, WITHIN the Consciousness of Perfection. 

The chelas are advancing to the point where it is possible to know that all life is WITHIN, and when the chela can cross the Bridge from the outer to the inner world, he will experience the feeling of Compassion and Understanding which will grow, and his ability to love the discrepancies which are apparent to his outer consciousness will be changed into harmonious expression. 

When a member of the physical body is, for some reason, disabled, the whole body rushes with the strength, vitality, energy and blood to that member - lending the curative powers contained within to restore the temporarily incapacitated member. The body, more wisely than man, knows that it can function best when all of its members are in agreement and balance. Take, for instance, a man who has a disabled foot; in the act of walking, he tends to favor that injured member, and in so doing, he throws his body out of alignment through the redistribution of weight and thereby causes discomfort to the entire physical structure. The components of the body restore the disabled portion as quickly as possible, not only for the benefit of that member, but for the greater efficacy of the entire instrument. 

Man is a part of a great corporate body, and when the individual consciousness is held within the Consciousness of Perfection, the mass of mankind will begin to emulate the wisdom of Nature in restoring and repairing those mechanisms which are temporarily impaired. 

Through the merciful use of the Sacred Fire, much inharmony which would express as impairment has been transmuted, and I counsel the chelas to engage in the process of holding their attention upon the GOOD WITHIN themselves so that they will more quickly bring their vehicles into alignment through harmonious radiation.

Love and Blessings,