Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin

A weekly Release of Esoteric Teachings


Volume 18, No. 21                                                                                                    August 24, 1969


Beloved of the Light: 

Blessed Lady Meta gave the Blessing of her Light and Wisdom to the chelas at the Summer Conference, and the following is and excerpt from her address: 

Beloved Meta: 

"Just what is the Sacred Heart? It is the Spiritual Center of your being which you know as the Immortal Victorious Three-fold Flame of Love, Wisdom and Power! Let us think of the form of a heart - not the physical organ, but the conventional shape as we know it. At the very base of this Divine Pattern is the atom which is a replica of the Permanent Atom in the "I AM" Presence. This heart center is repeated in every one of your vehicles. One could not travel in the etheric vehicle without the balancing activity which is contained within the heart! Every part of life has within itself a center through which it is aligned with the One Great Source! 

Referring again to the heart pattern, or garment of the center of the Permanent Atom, let us see the Pink Flame of Divine Love blaze up from the base of the heart and fill the form with its cohesive essence. Now visualize the Golden Flame rise and blend with the Pink Flame to fill the form with God's Wisdom. Let us now see the Blue Flame rise, end blending with the other two flames fill the pattern with the Power of the Godhead. Now the heart is filled with the balancing activity of life. There is no separation, as man knows it, in the Heart of God, but in order for chelas in the physical appearance world to understand the perfect Activity of Life. We have given the picturization as you know it - the Flame of Divine Love on the right side, the Golden Flame in the Center and Blue Flame on the left. Further, if the Golden Flame is invoked to render a specific service to any part of life, it carries with it the Power of the Almighty and the Essence of Pure Divine Love! 

You know that all creation takes place from the Three-fold Activity of Life - Love must engender the creation, which takes form through Wisdom and the Power of the Godhead must act to propel it into action. All three must be in perfect balance for the germination of the Divine Idea which has been released from the Omnipotent First Cause. 

The specific reason I bring this to your attention at this time is that many chelas in visualizing the stream of life, or the silver cord into the physical heart have wondered why to their consciousness the electronic light veered to the left to enter the Flame within the physical heart! Ah - think of the structure of the chest cavity of the physical garment! There should be two equal sides protecting the heart and lungs, or breathing apparatus. The heart serves as a bellows that keeps the pulsation of the Holy Breath flowing through the lungs and bloodstream which carries the light through the arteries and vein stand other organs. 

When the Stream of Light flows into the heart and enters the Atom of the heart, the Three-fold activity of life fills the entire heart pattern. The physical heart is intended to be at this very point where the atom pulsates, and thus it was in the early Golden Ages. However, through mankind's misuse of God's Holy Energy, the physical heart was thrust 'off-center' and held to the left side by the loving power of the Pink Flame, so that the heart might not descend into the physical garment below the waist area. 

I trust this will answer the question which has arisen, from time to time in the consciousness of some of the chelas. Please be at peace, for the Spiritual Heart Pattern within your garment is in its proper position and since Three Flames flow through that Heart, the physical organ does its perfect work as related to the Spiritual Activity of Life." 

How privileged and blessed are the chelas who are constantly being enriched by the Love and Divine Illumination showered upon them by the various members of the Spiritual Hierarchy! Think deeply upon this!

Love and Blessings,







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