A Message from the Holy Spirit




The Bridge to Freedom, Inc.                                                                                              December, 1969


Beloved of My Heart:

As we enter the Holy Season of Christmas, the attention of the people of the Earth turns to the beloved Master Jesus, and on the return current of Love, the Master is provided a wonderful opportunity to enrich the consciousness of mankind with an intensified acceleration of the Flame of Pure Divine Love, Illumination and Peace. 

The Christmas Spirit is re-activated about the first of December and continues until mid-January. What is this Christmas Spirit? Blessed ones, it is a glorious outpouring of Pure Divine Love and all the Gifts of the Godhead through the Cosmic and Ascended Beings, the Angelic and Devic evolutions, and it enfolds all the evolutions in a Mantle of Light particles, which bring a feeling of holiness to the recipients thereof. The Light particles which are released at the Christmas Season take the form of nine-pointed Stars. There is a glorious Being of Light, known as the Spirit of Christmas who turns her attention to the Earth at this time, and all who send their Love to her will receive an expanded understanding of the Holy Benediction which is embodied in her release of Love to this dear Planet. 

All the Retreats and Sanctuaries throughout the Planet under the Guidance of the Ascended Masters and Cosmic Beings begin the acceleration of the Spirit of Christmas on the first of December and this Benediction is qualified with a feeling of Peace and Good Will. Other Qualities are added as the individual God Beings send forth their gifts to the Earth and its inhabitants. The activity of the Spirit of Christmas will increase its intensity through Christmas Eve and then at that cosmic moment the Celestial outpouring will be of tremendous proportions. 

It seems as though the Angelic Choirs never sing sweeter than on Christmas Eve and all the sacred music which rises from the Earth is purified and added to this paean of adoration! Truly the Music of the Spheres is beyond the ken of human consciousness, but as the chelas come closer to being the Christ Presence they will more fully know the opportunities provided at this Season and make beneficent use thereof. It is a time when tremendous growth of the soul and spirit may be attained, and since all life is part of the Cosmic Spirit of the Universe, so are all men likewise blessed. 

It shall be my privilege to be in the atmosphere of Earth on Christmas Eve, when I shall be the guest of my son, beloved Paul, the Maha Chohan at the Retreat at Ceylon and I shall indeed be happy to add to this celestial outpouring on Christmas Eve. I pray you shall be conscious of my Love for you, each dear one.

In the Spirit of Grace

"I AM" Ĉolus Cosmic Holy Spirit