Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin

A weekly Release of Esoteric Teachings


Volume 17, No. 43                                                                                             January 26, 1969

Children of the Light: 

We have come to the end of the first month of the calendar Year of 1969. May I humbly suggest that you each take stock of yourself for the manner in which you have used your God-given energy during this period? 

I do not imply that your efforts have not been commendable for all is an open book to us in the Realms of Perfection, and I have carefully studied the efforts which you all have put forth. There is just one point which I would like to bring to your attention and it is one which I firmly believe will assist you in your determination to serve the Cause of Good, and to assist in bringing God's Will upon this Earth. 

Beloved ones, nothing of a lasting benefit can be obtained through the use of human will. Each chela has his own Achilles heel which makes him vulnerable to conditions which energize patterns of a negative nature, and through this further imposition of imperfection upon God's Holy Energy, he finds the irritating cause and core presenting itself from time to time. You will note that I do not use the plural - causes and cores - for tremendous strides have been made by the chelas in this past year in transmuting the imperfections which formerly found residence in their beings and worlds. 

I counsel you to invoke the Beloved El Morya in your daily application and ask him to blaze the Flame of God's Will through you, and to clear away any destructive activity of your free will which might rush in and impede your conscious desire to do God's Will. As you continue to do this, you will experience more and more of the buoyant activity of Enthusiasm about which I spoke in last week's Release.

Love and Blessings,