Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin

A weekly Release of Esoteric Teachings


Volume 18, No. 30                                                                                                                 Oct. 26, 1969


Beloved of My Heart: 

The incessant call of the soul for Peace, Purity, Understanding and Unification with the Supreme Source must be answered, and in the call itself is the magnetic power that draws the seeking one into that higher state of consciousness wherein Truth can be perceived and incorporated into the seeker's being. 

If God did not provide within the physical body certain hungers and thirst which form the motivating power behind eating and drinking, the physical organism would not endure. These desires were intelligently focused within the form in order that the body inherently would seek the sustenance by which to build and sustain itself. 

In exactly the same manner God 'planted' certain centers of desires, one might say, within the soul of man which would sustain the soul's very existence as they become incessant in their clamoring for subsistence. If the body did not demand certain nourishment from time to time, it would not be refueled and would cease to be. If the soul did not desire Truth and Understanding, the individual would not make the necessary effort to contact the Source from whence comes the Light which is its nourishment and its freedom. 

As the growing physical body requires more nourishment to expand to its full maturity, so does the growing, unfolding soul have more powerful and intense desire to draw greater Light and this period of seeking is a sure manifestation of the development of the chela upon Life's Path. 

Always bear in mind that the "call compels the answer" and the thirst for Truth is the invocative power to the Light which will return and fill one with the Nature of Divinity.

Love and Blessings,