Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin

A weekly Release of Esoteric Teachings


Volume 19, No. 37                                                                                                  December 13, 1970


Beloved of my Heart: 

As we turn our attention to the Celebration of Christmas, let us remember that the Season of the Christ is eternal! Man, through the Mercy of the Cosmic Law, is allowed a foretaste of the Eternal Christ Kingdom through the celebration of this Season, when many animosities are buried and Good Will flows freely through the hearts of men. 

The Holy Season that celebrates the birth of the Master Jesus revivifies the memory of the God Kingdom in the outer consciousness of man each year, and that revivified memory of a Glory and Perfection once known, sheds a transcendent Light on the Nature of man and a radiation of Goodness and God's Will flows from man to man. 

It is though all men stepped for a short while from the prosaic world of outer thought and feeling and lived in the Realms of the Angels - for that was the original intent in the establishment of the Seven Sacred Weeks of the Holy Season. 

It is regrettable that the commercialism of the outer world has seized much of the beauty and flood will of this Holy Time, but we are most grateful that the consciousness of the chelas has expanded to the point where they are now tuning in to the true meaning of Christmas. 

Remember the affirmation "I AM" my brother's keeper - and this will enable you to forget and forgive all that is less than Christ Perfection! 

I humbly counsel you, dear ones, to enter the Sacred Temple of your own "I AM" Presence daily and after saturating your consciousness with the heavenly gifts of Peace, God’s Will and Pure Divine Love to then turn your attention to all the Nations and all the peoples upon this Earth and consciously bathe their consciousness in the true feeling of the Peace of the Christ which all must one day attain.

Love and Blessings,






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