Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin

A weekly Release of Esoteric Teachings


Volume 19, No. 12                                                                                                         June 21, 1970


Beloved Chelas: 

Please turn your attention to your own individualized God Self, which is ONE in consciousness with the Realm of Ascended Masters, the Realm where Perfection's Flame in all its expressions is alone allowed manifestation, form and sustenance. 

Each octave, according to its vibratory action and its place in the evolutionary scheme, permits a certain series of vibrations to be created and sustained by those existing within the creative laboratory of that sphere. These creative endeavors with their subsequent effects are part of the lessons which the evolving consciousness must make its own, in order to proceed to a greater degree of unfoldment, progress and evolution. 

The laboratory of the Earth and the sphere immediately enfolding it permit the creation and sustenance of vibration which would not be allowed expression in the Higher Realms of our system. All lifestreams capable of creating vibrations that cannot be measured by Perfection's Flame automatically exile themselves from expression in the Higher Realms until those capacities are eliminated by the lifestreams who misqualify the use of the Creative Fire with which they are endowed. 

That is why all spiritual and occult teaching of a deep nature urges the initiate or chela to remove the cause and core and capacity to react to discord, whether that inharmony is of voluntary or involuntary creation of all vibrations that are not in tune with the Law of Harmony and Love. When the chelas have achieved this state of harmlessness, the Flame within the heart is allowed to express itself in the next realm above the Earth. We are endeavoring to prepare you to function in the Realm where the Flaming Presence can qualify the energy flowing through you with its creative capacity of some phase of Perfection, and not be interfered with, through your use of human free will. 

I humbly counsel you to feel that - "I AM" Perfection’s Flame in action, forever active in your vehicles, which will change the capacity that the human has used through the ages to misqualify the Sacred Energy of the Godhead flowing so freely through you.

Love and Blessings,











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