Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin

A weekly Release of Esoteric Teachings


Volume 19, No. 50                                                                                                                 March 14, 1971


Beloved of the Light: 

The mankind of Earth has woven for themself all kinds of barques upon which they have set sail across the Sea of Life, and from the beginning of time their choice of material has determined the safety of their voyage and their final achievement of the goal toward which the voyage was set. 

The vessel in which they move is composed of energy that is given them of God and which they have woven by thought and feeling and by self-conscious choice in the use of their energy in the making of a safe, secure vessel in which they make their voyage - or a perilous and leaky one. 

Today, the great Sea of Life is in the midst of a tremendous upheaval preceding the coming forth of God's Kingdom of Perfection upon this Planet! Wise and blessed are they who have woven into the boat upon which their lifestreams ride the stabilizing Powers of their own Christ Self - that vibrant energy that will carry their lifestreams through this crises safe - serene, protected and free. 

At this Sacred Season which culminates in the Celebration of the Victorious accomplishment of Master Jesus, the glorious Resurrection Flame is greatly accelerated. I counsel each of you to avail yourselves of its mighty powers - remembering to invoke the Perfection of your glorious Christ Presence and use the Flames of Purity and Transmutation through your lower vehicles in order that this Holy Essence will not be misqualified through the activity of the human consciousness. 

Remember, too, that every ounce of energy used in the service of the Light is one more thread woven into the vessel of your life which will be the sustaining power through all succeeding experiences. 

Love and Blessings,







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