Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin

A weekly Release of Esoteric Teachings

Volume 20, No. 32                                                                                                                                November 7, 1971


Beloved of My Heart: 

Again we approach the glorious Feast of Thanksgiving - a time when the knowledgeable chela will grasp the opportunity to tune into and become ONE with the magnificent Flame of Adoration to the Supreme Source, from whom all blessings flow. 

I sincerely counsel each of you to delve into the well-spring of your being and to kneel in humility before the throne of the Almighty. I truly believe you will realize upon a little introspection that you have much for which to be grateful for. 

Just consider the privilege which is yours receiving the directives from the Spiritual Hierarchy and the resultant blessings which are so lavishly showered upon you. Why are you singled out to receive these instructions? For the very reason that you have placed your feet firmly upon the Path and have the potential to assist your fellow traveler walking the way of Earth! 

As I brought to your attention in last week's lesson, enter wholeheartedly into the Flaming Presence of Pure Divine Love and permit it to perform its so-called wonders. When you truly can get the FEELING of the activity of Divine Love, then you will know that Divine Love is a natural service... the only way the children of the Almighty are intended to function. 

I shall stand by your side, and assist each and every one who signifies a desire to engage in this glorious service to all life.

Love and Blessings,









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