Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin

A weekly Release of Esoteric Teachings


Volume 20, No. 30                                                                                                  Oct. 24, 1971


My Beloved Chelas: 

In endeavoring to attain the Ascended Master Consciousness the chela comes to the understanding that the states of consciousness interpenetrate one another, even as the gasses and ethers can all be found within the atmosphere of Earth, and which have an individual existence within the whole. 

He learns therefore that to attain the Cosmic Consciousness one must develop the spiritual faculties required to raise the vibratory action of the intellectual consciousness to a point where it blends with and becomes one with the Ascended Master Consciousness. This is an acceleration of the human, or intellectual personality, and this acceleration is under the conscious control and dominion of every human being, not only to the point where the individual can rise into and comprehend the higher vibrations ever-present, but to a point where he remains within the vibratory action of that Higher Realm - while still functioning in the third dimensional plane. Such a one has attained what is referred to as the Ascended Master Consciousness while yet unascended. 

The method of accelerating one's vibratory action requires that the individual first turn his attention toward a goal of Perfection, which is within the Heart of his own "I AM" Presence, and then by invoking the ever-present currents to assist him to raise his consciousness, the individual can change the vibratory action of his four lower vehicles to a more rapid rate until he gradually blends into the vibratory action of the Higher Octaves and becomes one with It. He is then fully conscious and aware in that Realm of the Love, Wisdom and Light It contains so that he may maintain that vibratory action ... unless he chooses to allow the vibrations of one or more of his lower vehicles to draw him again into the human realm of experience. 

You have accepted the foregoing in your mental worlds but I humbly counsel you to control your emotional vehicles so that this state of Consciousness may become a Reality for you!

Love and Blessings,







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