Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin

A weekly Release of Esoteric Teachings


Volume 22, No. 5                                                                                                                                April 29, 1973


My Blessed Chelas:


You are indeed privileged to receive an excerpt from an address which the beloved Goddess of Music gave at a musical at Shamballa on Holy Thursday.  

The Goddess of Music speaks:

"Beautiful tones in the symphony of Creation, I come to you in Love, and as you permit the Holy Christ Self, the Golden Man, within you to take control truly will the Energy flowing through you add to the Music of the Spheres. 

This evening we are endeavoring to bring to your consciousness the value of harmonious sound and to point out to you how the radiation of music brings more Light to the world. The Father-Mother God has bestowed upon me the sacred privilege of the specific service which harmonious sound renders in the overall plan of Creation. I have been standing in the wings, so to speak, for many years waiting for the opportunity to speak to you. Patiently I have been anticipating the day when I felt your consciousness would be receptive to the directives which I shall give to you. 

Let us take for example the tremendous service which the opera has brought to the peoples of the Earth and, in a similar manner, concerts both instrumental and vocal add to the Harmony of the Spheres. 

Through the years those individuals who have attuned themselves to the Radiation which flows from these glorious renditions have been contributing to the plan of creation of the Father-Mother God. Lovers of Music have a tremendous momentum of Harmony in their Causal Bodies and when attending concerts, whether in person or through the medium of television, the radio, or recorded music, we can use these individuals in Holy Service. 

The Angels of Music are always in attendance over the Concert Halls, recording studios and all places where music of a harmonious nature is being played. They form the most exquisite canopy of Light over the area; and at the conclusion they gather this Essence and blanket the Earth with the blessing which has been sent forth. When chelas tune in consciously to these renditions, we are always so grateful when one or more are sufficiently alert to invoke the great Devas of Music to dispense a portion of this harmonious sound to a specific cause - a nation, a head of government, or any project which would benefit mankind. 

These Angels are exquisitely beautiful and very powerful Beings and as the Light Essence enters the area above the concert hall, studio, sanctuary or home, they amplify it by their own Radiation and at the conclusion of the performance, with great joy in their hearts and a prayer of gratitude, they wend their way to the specific place or individual where the music has been directed. In the same manner,  

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