Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin

A weekly Release of Esoteric Teachings


Volume 23, No. 4                                                                                                                                April 28, 1974


My dear Chelas: 

Excerpts from Beloved Virgo's Address are lovingly presented to you today...  

Beloved Virgo: 

Beloved of the Light, how beautiful the Thought Form over this Sanctuary looks this morning, with the soothing Radiation of Peace emanating from the Holy Grail, and surrounded by the Angels of Peace and Unity. My Heart longs to take that Cup into my hands and pass it to each of you so that you may drink of its Elixir. However the Cosmic Law demands that you raise your consciousness to the level where you may freely drink thereof. 

Ah, dear ones, how I love you and all of the evolutions of this Planet, but I do see the necessity of speaking to you in a dynamic manner, in an endeavor to pull you out of the mire of the lower consciousness. This blessed Earth requires more Light, so please be indulgent with me and be assured that I have come to help you in that accomplishment. 

As we look upon the Planet at this time, we do see much improvement in her appearance... more Light IS emanating from her body - that Sphere for which I am responsible at this time. You are our volunteers on Earth; and we are depending upon you more each hour to give your ALL in this process of restoring the Earth to her pristine Beauty. 

The majority of the chelas have done exceedingly well these first few months of the year, but there are many instances where the human still has a tight grasp on your consciousness... and as the incline up the Path seems steeper to you, the little self sends its insidious murmurs rumbling through your consciousness "wait a while, let me guide you a little longer... you may miss some personal pleasure." These misleading promptings have deluded you in the past into the unholy consciousness of thinking how easy it is to take the by-paths into the lower strata and gratify the personal senses. The little self deludes you into thinking that there is greatness in that consciousness! 

Let us now turn our attention to the beautiful spring season... do you really appreciate the Blessings which spring brings to every part of the Earth. To analyze the word “spring”, we know that it is an emergence - a time of growth and progress. 

Would you like to know what the Resurrection Flame, which is the Power of Resuscitation, and the spring season mean to me? Dear hearts of Light, as I gaze upon those sections of the Earth which have been in a period of rest and see the happiness of the tiny elementals as they follow the pattern assigned to them for expression... I experience a feeling of tremendous Hope. It brings an ecstasy of feeling like unto a parent watching a child take its first step. These blessed elementals are so sincere in their assignment of bringing Beauty to the Earth. 

At this point I would like to mention that I am so very grateful to the chelas all over the Earth who have made calls for the elementals for in so doing there is a lessening of resistance to the fulfilling of their plan. 

You are aware that the Earth has been called "The Body of Virgo"... in essence that is true for I volunteered to wear the garment of the Earth at the time of her creation by the Elohim. My dwelling place was in the Electronic Belt around the Great Central Sun for this Planet... in the Aura of the mighty Alpha and Omega. I still have a Temple there and one day you will hear more about my service to the Earth... suffice to say that time rests within the Wisdom of the Cosmic Law. 

Returning to the Earth garment which I wear... how extremely beautiful was this garden of Earth when first born from the Heart of God...during the early Golden Ages it was a Heavenly Kingdom. Then century after century she was despoiled by the excrement of man's thoughts and feelings, at the same time polluting the very elements themselves. No need to repeat how this Sphere was desecrated by the free will of man! But all the while, in the center of this dear Earth was the Sun of even pressure for the Earth, and NOTHING COULD DESPOIL THAT PULSATING THREEFOLD FLAME. 

How grateful I am to the beloved Pelleur for his Love which flows constantly in obeisance to that Light, I have said NOTHING could touch that Threefold Flame to obeisance to that Light, I have said NOTHING could touch that Threefold Flame to contaminate it in any way. The same principle applies to the lifestreams who were given the privilege of evolving on the Earth... within you is the Flame of the Almighty, your Christ Self, and no matter what you have forced upon the four lower vehicles which you wear, the Christ Self or Golden Man remains steadfast, and the only change which takes place is the expansion of its Light as the purification of your lower garments takes place. 

You are aware that beloved Pelleur dwells within the very center of the Earth and serves closely with the Planetary Silent Watcher, Immaculata, to hold the Divine Pattern for the Earth. Blessed Pelleur is the cosmic son of the mighty Immaculata and I, her daughter." 

Love and Blessings,