Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin

A weekly Release of Esoteric Teachings


Volume 23, No. 36                                                                                                                       December 8, 1974


Beloved Chelas: 

It is my great privilege to present to you excerpts from the address of our mighty Lord of the World on Thanksgiving Day, November 28th... 

Beloved Gautama speaks:  

0 my dear sweet children, I am so very happy to come into your midst this day. I thank you for the courtesy of standing - will you now kindly be seated and I shall give you a short talk. 

I would like to tell you that the Thought Form for this Class is the mighty Victorious Three-fold Flame. It is very important that Balance be brought to this Planet... for Balance is required for the evolution of this Earth. There cannot be lack of any good and perfect thing anywhere on this dear Planet Earth. 

Mighty plans are being formulated by the Spiritual Hierarchy so that those in one part of a hemisphere shall send their gifts to another hemisphere. The Law of Life is sharing... no man can take any of the Gifts of God unto himself. They would not be of a lasting nature... they must be shared. 

I am very, very grateful that you have responded to the heart wish of Mighty El Morya and are making the Call for the Nations and the various Rulers on this planet. 

Beloved David Lloyd, the God of Gratitude, asked the beloved Lord Lemuel to send the Deva rajahs all over this Planet for this twentyfour hour period. You know these glorious Beings serve with the Directors of the Elements and we must bring the Elements into alignment, and if your own vehicles are out of alignment, you do affect the overall activity of all the Elements. As you know we are coming closer and closer to the Oneness of all Life... if you could witness with the inner sight those glorious Devas encircling this Earth… these mighty Beings who are carrying the Pure White Light of the Eternal Father in glorious manifestation all through this Violet Fire. 0, it is a sight to behold! I know that your beings and your hearts well with gratitude when you see the Devas in the blue sky... well today see them in the Violet Fire. Our gratitude flows to the beloved Deva rajahs who are giving this service to the Earth. We know they will bless you today with their glorious Light of gratitude to the Almighty. 

Beloved El Morya wishes me to inform you that he is putting a canopy of the Light of the Will of God over the United Nations Building, along with the activity of the Violet Fire... and all representatives of the various countries convening at the United Nations are being purified with the concentrated activity of the Violet Fire and Blue Lightning over that Building. 

Our beloved Master Jesus is standing over that building in his luminous Presence for the remainder of the year. We must have Unity and this Council must bring forth the perfect Unity that was created in the Heart of Heaven for this Body - the United Nations of this Planet. 

Now I counsel you beloved ones to be happy - for happiness is a great Gift and you will receive a beautiful benediction from Lord Ling, the God of Happiness, when he speaks to you during this four-day Class. 

Dear ones, please feel the Benediction of the Love which the Father-Mother God released to all the evolutions of this Planet, and in conjunction with that Gift, I now enfold you in the Blessings of the Great Beings who are assembled at Shamballa and may you remain in a State of Grace as you send these Blessings throughout the Planet and all her evolutions. 

Thank you for your attention and God bless you." 

Love and Blessings,








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