Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin

A weekly Release of Esoteric Teachings


Volume 23, No. 38                                                                                                                             December 22, 1974



Blessed Chelas: 

The Goddess of Mercy, beloved Kwan Yin, spoke so beautifully at the Transmission of the Flame Activity at the Tetons last evening... her address follows...  

Beloved Kwan Yin: 

"My dear brother and sisters, through the graciousness of our beloved Confucius I have the privilege of speaking with you this evening. 

As you know since Thanksgiving there has been a tremendous activity of the glorious Violet Flame, and I have been so privileged to expand the Flame of Mercy within that Violet Flame to all life and how grateful I am. How I love that Violet Flame, and our great Lord and King Saint Germain! What an honor to serve with such a dedicated Being. 

Now my beloved ones please turn your attention to the Holy Family... our beloved Jesus, his glorious Mother Mary and Joseph (our dear Saint Germain). You know our beloved Mother Mary is expending tremendous effort to bring true family life to this Planet Earth again and she is meeting with some success, and for years - yes centuries, I have been serving with and for the women of the race. 

True family life as a unit must come forth again and you will then see what it means to say "a holy family" and that way of living will express before too long. 

We have said many times that the East and the West must blend their consciousness. Our gracious Host, beloved Confucius and the Patriarch of the Rocky Mountain Retreat, Lord Lanto, evolved a special activity for the time the Radiation of this Retreat is accelerated which we hope will result in the Reverence for Life which is known in the consciousness and is part of the being of the true Oriental, and through the ages much wisdom has come from the Orient. The pace of the true Oriental is so much calmer than that of those in the busy Western Civilization. 

We have a tremendous project at this time... I shall direct your attention now to the amphitheater which is very, very unusual. The Forcefield over this Retreat has the glorious Precipitation Flame in its very center...of course with stepped down Radiation. Surrounding it for miles and miles and miles you will see not a Temple, but a garden or a mountain or whatever is particularly representative of every country in the United Nations. The reason for this is we have been trying and trying to make a Spiritual Body of these Nations and it is believed when the leaders of the various countries come to the Tetons and go into the amphitheater that they will develop a sense of tolerance for each other. 

Now you know, as chelas, when you go to that Forcefield you will probably gravitate to a country with which you have an affinity because of past embodiments, but your Sponsor, Who incidentally is a gentleman of Oriental ancestry, will see that after you have had the pleasure of indulging yourselves in the country to which you have an attraction that you are taken to various other places in this Forcefield. You know I am repeatedly saying "forcefield" and I mean just that, because there is a field of energy around each of these separate Nations. You are all going to have a, tremendous World Tour, something you have often thought you would like to do in the outer. Well this is going to be greater than any physical trip you could make, for your consciousness - your etheric body - is going to be instructed in the ways of Nations with which you are not very familiar. Can you imagine the wealth that will be in your etheric consciousness after such visitations? I am sure that some will say "0, I love Egypt so - 0, I love China so..." will begin to feel "0, what a beautiful country Russia is...what a beautiful country France is." 

You see my children, we are endeavoring to bring about Unity... and Unity will be attained through tolerance... and tolerance is a Gift of the Holy Spirit. I assure you, my lovely ones, at the conclusion of the activities of this cycle in January that you are going to feel very lighthearted and happy, because you will be blessed by every nation upon this Planet. The Silent Watcher of each nation is going to give you, and everyone who comes to the amphitheater, a special Blessing for as you turn your attention to the various nations you provide the energy over which their blessings may flow to you. This is going to be a magnificent month, I assure you. 

I will now just tell you that the Central Chamber at the Tetons is glorious this evening. It is decorated so tastefully with Flame Flowers of the Orient and I know that the chelas who come here will be greatly impressed, and as the Precipitation Flame goes around the Earth it will look like little twinkling Gold and Green Stars, dispersing the Essence of Reverence for Life, God Illumination and Wisdom which is so much a part of this Focus. 

I bless you, my dear friends, and during this Holy time remember that while I am not a member of this Retreat, I am a member of the great Universal Body of God, and I bless you with all the Love and Mercy of my Being. Thank You."

Love and Blessings,










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