Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin

A weekly Release of Esoteric Teachings


Volume 23, No. 42                                                                                                                  January 19, 1975


Beloved Chelas: 

The message from the great God Principa at the Transmission of the Flame ceremonials from Crete is of vital importance. I humbly counsel you to study and apply it without delay... 

God Principa speaks: 

"Good evening, I am Principa, God of Divine Order, and I am very grateful for the opportunity of speaking with you this evening. 

Divine Order is the Law of Heaven! The Universe moves in precision and in Divine Order, the Sun, the Moon, the tides, the Seasons, all perform in rhythm - Divine Order! 

At the Temple of Truth Divine Order is expressed at all times, as it is in all of Heaven's Realms. You were counseled not too long ago to bring your worlds into Divine Order, so that all your vehicles would be in alignment for the Christ to express through you at all times. That is the Divine Order for each lifestream upon this Planet! 

What would happen in the spring if all the elementals were rebellious and decided to take a "vacation" of three more months! Oh no... these elementals to the best of their ability follow the Pattern given to them and each year they become more adept at the expressing of the flower, the tree or the shrub which was the Divine Order for them. 

Listen, my lovely ones, bring Divine Order into your beings. I know you well, but not many call to me! I would like to come and visit with you often - all you have to do is turn your attention to me and you will find a Ray from my Heart assisting you to bring Divine Order into your worlds. I may sound strict but discipline is necessary and I might add, like all disciplinarians, I am a being of great Love and I hope you feel this moment the Love with which I am enfolding you, each one. 

Now we know that not too many people like to face the Truth, but during this particular period each lifestream upon this Planet will face that magnificent One, the Goddess of Truth, and you can imagine how grateful and how happy the mighty Hilarion is that the Patroness of this Retreat, Pallas Athena, is One of the Sponsors of the Year. And he asked me to convey this message to you... he asked that you cooperate with him in every way you can so that he can show that great Being of Light, the Goddess of Truth, that you are in earnest and are grateful for the opportunity to be Expressions of Truth wherever you are. 

0, my lovely ones, the Temple of Truth is magnificent... it gives one such a wonderful feeling because you know whatever section of the Temple you are in, you feel that Pure Essence of Truth... with no dilution of any kind - Truth as God intended for all life! 

Now, the amphitheater is in the etheric realm beneath the Temple of Truth and it is glorious... it is tremendous in size - circular, like a stadium. The seats are in tiers and it is divided into seven sections - each representing one of the Rays, separated by glass partitions - one cannot see through these partitions to the left or the right but each has an opening at the front - the lower rung of the tier, and looks out on to the most glorious Garden. In the center of this garden is a magnificent Lamp of Truth. It is of crystalline substance and the Flame burning therein is of beautiful clear green. 

At certain periods you will hear glorious music in this garden. It is believed by the Brotherhood of Crete that it serves the chelas well to relax as they come here for their lessons and this form of relaxation quiets the vehicles. If someone is straining to learn something - say on the Fourth Ray or the Sixth Ray, or whatever it may be and finds it a little difficult to accept what the Master is saying - these intervals of re­laxation allow the Essence of Truth to flow through him. 

We will hear stirring music at times... the Retreat Keynote... and at others it will be just like a zephyr breeze flowing through the atmosphere, carrying the most glorious tones of Angelic voices. 

Now, where does this music come from? There is no Being in evidence, but at the base of the Lamp of Truth we have electronic equipment far surpassing any in this physical appearance world, and we have taped, as you would say, what we believe are the melodies which will give you the greatest benefit. This will continue for the entire 30 day cycle. I ask when you retire each evening or when your attention goes to, the Retreat at Crete to ask your Holy Christ Self to put you in a frame of mind that you may be able to pick up some of the beautiful melodies that will be played. You know even in the physical appearance world, they are using music for healing... the great doctors, the scientists, know that music does heal and they are becoming more aware of it each day. Many will be the ideas lowered into the consciousness of the men of Science this month. We are hoping that they will bring them forth in the physical appearance world to heal the ills of men, to lessen the labor by the sweat of the brow - in the automotive field and many others, so that in the days to come man will give more time to God! 

My children, once you really bring your worlds into Divine Order you will know that I speak the Truth. Obedience to the Law of Life is what is required by everyone on this Planet and while some seem to be struggling so with the human, once they can let go and say "My God, take over" that Happiness which each will experience will be beyond worded description! 

Now I wish you all to be happy - happiness is necessary - no service to the Almighty should be a drudge! So be in a happy frame of mind, knowing that everything in God's Kingdom is being done for you - presented to you for your acceptance. 

I will tell you now how the Chohans are assisting us this month... each blessed Chohan has agreed to sustain his Luminous Presence in each of the various halls of learning in the amphitheater. I want you to realize what it means to sustain a Luminous Presence... that requires a tremendous amount of energy, my dear ones. You can't just think I will place my Luminous Presence there today and come back two or three days later and expect it to have been sustained. No... No... No... we have to give it our attention and have a Ray from our Beings anchored into that Luminous Presence at all times to give the specific service we wish to render, for the enrichment of this Planet and all her evolutions. 

We speak always of Harmony and Precision, but my good friends, we are in a time of Cosmic Change and we plead with you... all of us in Heaven's Realms... to maintain Harmony and get your worlds in Divine Order, so that the next Inbreath of the mighty Helios and Vesta will take place without interference of any kind... IN DIVINE ORDER! 

God bless you, my lovely ones, and thank you for your attention!" 

Love and Blessings,