Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin

A weekly Release of Esoteric Teachings


Volume 24, No. 14                                                                                                                             July 6, 1975


Beloved Chelas: 

The Activity of the Holy Spirit is one with the activity of the Seraphim and Cherubim who likewise spend their entire time and Being absorbing the Nature and the Qualities of the Great Intelligence, which has been variously called Father, God, and all the many other names by which Deity or Perfection or Super-Consciousness has been identified. 

Consciousness is a marvelous study, because we will find on a moment's thought that an interest and an activity must be generated within the lifestream before he can partake of any particular of any Focus of Consciousness in the Universe. It is a marvelous and deep study to realize that at this very moment there are some countless millions of Individual Consciousnesses alive, active and radiating within the Sphere directly concerned with mankind's growth and evolution - that for the most part individual man is aware of an infinitesimal part of the service which the Beings in the heavenly realms are rendering to this Planet and her evolutions. 

Individuals come to a point where they acquire knowledge of the Masters, the Universal Cause, and then comes the step which separates them at once from the seekers and enters them into the group of elect who have FOUND. 

When the love and admiration of the Masters and the devotion and service are transplanted by a warm interest in the Nature and Consciousness of those Beings, this is a step toward understanding God. The Ascended Masters are Beings, people you might say, who have been interested in God and who have absorbed and made their own, much of the Nature, the Purpose, the Vision, which they in turn received from those further on the evolutionary ladder. 

Wise is the aspirant who is willing to absorb the God Nature from these more advanced brothers and sisters and seeing the God Nature embodied in such a One, making it his own, partaking of the substance which the teacher through years and centuries of service has previously absorbed in identically the same process.

Love and Blessing,









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