Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin

A weekly Release of Esoteric Teachings

 Volume 24, No. 24                                                                                                                                  Sept. 14, 1975


Beloved Ones: 

With the following release, we conclude the excerpts from addresses given of the Summer Conference:


Beloved Pacifica - Divine Complement of the Elohim Tranquility - 7/13/75 

"I come to you today to enfold you in my momentum of Peace. ‘Peaceful Palace on the Hill - Peaceful Silence oh how still' is right within. And so, dear ones, in your Peaceful Palace dwells true Peace. The door is wide open and your glorious Christ Presence awaits with outstretched arms... saying ‘abide in me’. As you have stepped over that threshold so many times during these Classes, I do humbly pray that this will become your permanent abode. That is possible you know... but remember that every manifestation must be enfolded in the Flame of Peace to make it a sustained gift of God. 

Every time that word is spoken, whether it be from the heart of someone alone crying for Peace... Peace of mind, body or soul - or for those disturbed nations who truly desire Peace... where you utter the word 'Peace' all the momentum of Heaven is ready to flow back to you, according to the intensity of your feelings. 

I feel so privileged, so truly humble, to stand on this platform following the great Beings who have come to assist you. When I was summoned to appear, I was very, very thankful, for not many people upon this Earth know of my existence. Many are acquainted with my beloved Tranquility, and he requested that I remind you that Peace is not a passive quality - Peace is Power - Peace is Love - Peace is everywhere present, awaiting you and all mankind to dip into the Cosmic Reservoir. 

As one sits beside a tranquil lake and sees the gentle waters rippling in the breeze, he feels the radiation of Peace. Know that if you choose you may sail your barque of Light on tranquil waters to the other shore, as you discard the physical garment at the conclusion of your Earth experience. Just know that Peace abides WITHIN you! 

I offer you my momentum of Peace! Will you invite me into your Palace on the Hill? 

The Angels of Peace are surrounding this Holy property and at the conclusion of my words, they will encircle the globe, carrying that so required Essence, and I further wish to tell you that the mighty Lord Michael has said that he will clear your pathway - home - and that does not just mean your specific destination - but to your permanent HOME in the Inner Realms! …when the time comes for you to discard your Earthly garment. 

Accept the blessings, my lovely ones, of our beloved Lord of the World Gautama, all the members of the Spiritual Hierarchy and from all of the glorious Suns, and know always that I AM your humble Servant of Peace. Thank You." 

Dear Ones: This so important Quality of PEACE can blanket the Earth at all times if you will continue to send forth that magnificent and vital Essence.

Love and Blessings,







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