Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin

A weekly Release of Esoteric Teachings

 Volume 24, No. 26                                                                                                                         Sept. 28, 1975


Beloved Ones: 

There is no man, woman, or child but who is constantly sending out into the atmosphere an emanation of his thinking, his feeling and his body. This emanation sensitive people feel when they come close to one another - the people living in the same house or locality are tangibly affected by the outpouring of the other members of the household or community. 

With an understanding of the Law of the Mighty "I AM" Presence one person can be the controlling factor and govern the quality of radiation of a whole city, and upon greater application of the Spiritual Law - of a whole nation. 

In the early ages on Lemuria and Atlantis there were lifestreams upon the Planet whose responsibility to Life was to form the spiritual pattern for an entire nation and for the Planet Earth itself. These great Beings incarnate were one with the energy of the people and by their constant direction of attention Godward, and the flow of the Energies of God through them - they sent out such powerful radiation of Peace, Health, Harmony and Goodwill that the entire populace felt to a man their individual outpouring. 

This trained without discipline the inner natures of the people - it did away with the need for armies or navies or disciplinary law. The outpouring of harmonious energy made sickness and insanity impossible, as they are only the results of discordant energy which are the results of discord. 

This manner of evolving the spiritual needs of the peoples of Earth was God's First Divine Plan, and had it been adhered to the people of Earth would have unfolded their spiritual natures under the sublime guidance of these glorious Devic Lords with no need for experiencing the agonies brought on by discordantly qualified energy. 

When the people voluntarily chose to change their energy pattern from that set up by the great Lords, under whose direction they live, they chose the path of woe, and they must consciously, individually, come back to a desire to join their energies again with the Solar Logii and the other perfected Beings, who will show them, through instruction, how they may join their bodies with the perfected Ones, and again unfold their spiritual Grace by following the Pattern of Radiation provided them by their superiors in Grace, Wisdom and Love. 

Blessed chelas, through Heavenly Grace, you have all been provided with Instruction from the Spiritual Hierarchy which would enable you, each one, to so purify your consciousness that you could serve as ONE in the Cosmic Consciousness which we enjoy. 

Love and Blessings,







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