Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin

A weekly Release of Esoteric Teachings


Volume 25, No. 5                                                                                                                           April 25, 1976

My Beloved Chelas: 

Today I have the privilege of presenting excerpts from the Easter Class Address of beloved Lady Miriam, on Thursday evening, April 15th... 

Beloved Lady Miriam speaks: 

"How I love you, dear friends of my Heart, for your constancy in carrying on the expansion of the Bridge of Light over which the peoples of this Earth shall walk into the Freedom of the Inner Spheres! Some of the blessed chelas have already accomplished this! 

It requires tremendous effort for the bridge builders in the world of form to construct a physical span which will carry the weight of men and vehicles in safety from one destination to another. A mighty service these structural workers render, but greater still is the service which constructive lifestreams give as they lend their efforts to the spiritual illumination of the mankind of Earth, to make easier their pathway on the arduous journey to ultimate Freedom in the Light! Of such timbre are the Chelas of THE BRIDGE! 

I feel greatly honored to be able to speak to you this evening as you participate in the Musicale for the opening of the Easter Class. Harmony is the keynote by which man finds his True Identity, and the more one uses music in his daily life, the easier will be his way. Music does flow from the lifestream who goes about joyously performing his daily routine - every radiation which is harmonious shows the winged electrons going forth as a stream of light, each carrying the tone of the sender - his individual keynote. 

A magnificent Chalice is the Thought Form for this Class - the stem of this Vessel is in the form of an Easter Lily with its center a Cup of Golden Light. This is an exquisite Thought Form and I sincerely counsel you to hold this Expression in your consciousness all through these classes. It carries a very significant message which you will later learn. 

We often speak of a Blessing to life and every man accepts that statement in a different manner... What does a Blessing mean to you? It should be the acceptance of a Heavenly Release from the Inner Realms... it is an anointing or the expansion of a QUALITY. 

Some think that it is a release of Divine Love... true... but usually a Blessing is the enfolding Radiation which enables the recipient to expand a gift which he now has, or can develop. 

It is an opportunity for a chela to expand the borders of the Kingdom of Heaven - and when a Blessing is sent forth it is the Radiation of the Christ within - thus do all Blessings come from the Heart of Divinity.

In releasing a Blessing to life one builds a beautiful constructive momentum which will serve him well in making the adjustment in the Inner Realms, and when assigned service after crossing the Bridge into the greater Light - he will find that momentum will enable him to fulfill the purpose or reason for being! 

Beloved Morya will be at Shamballa in person in the morning and I know that you will give him a warm welcome through your love and harmonious radiation. 

I shall now conclude with the counsel to be "in tune with the Infinite" so that the service which the Spiritual Hierarchy wishes to render to the Earth and her evolutions during these classes will be accomplished through your conscious and willing participation."

Love and Blessings,