Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin

A weekly Release of Esoteric Teachings


Volume 25, No. 13                                                                                                           June 27, 1976


Beloved of the Light: 

One of the greatest needs and requirements of man is that he draws into his consciousness, his outer mind, and his personal nature the Spiritual Truths, Powers and Activities which he can and does accept freely in his inner bodies. 

This requires that he must invest the energy of his physical body in this spiritual search in order to have the gifts of that search return into the consciousness of the brain and outer self, because the circuit proceeding from the energies of the physical body returns again into that body with the gifts and powers of the Higher Sphere. 

This is one reason for ceremonials, decrees and other types of worship in which the actual energies of the physical bodies are incorporated in the spiritual pursuit. The physical body is spiritualized by the utilizing of its energies in a Spiritual Cause. 

In the East where they search for Nirvana, they use mostly their etheric or mental body, and the actual energies of the physical form not having entered into the application cannot draw back into themselves the gifts which lodge in the inner bodies from whence went forth the search. This is one reason why many lifestreams choose to attend the Meetings of the Masters at Kashmir and other places, for the physical and outer mind incorporates its energies in directing the soul consciously, and the blessing will return into the accelerated and spiritualized substance of the physical form. 

As it is the outer man who is in most need today of redemption, it is good to make him work in the vineyard along with the inner vehicles, which in the case of the conscious chelas have been active for many centuries along this line... 

While awakened individuals at inner levels, as soon as the body is laid down, do proceed to these places of great Light, but if the outer consciousness has not partici­pated, there is little benefit thereby.

Love and Blessings,