Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin

A weekly Release of Esoteric Teachings


Volume 25, No. 41                                                                                                                            January 9, 1979


Dear Chelas:

The following excerpt from the Address of the Beloved Gautama at the conclusion of the Thanksgiving Class fills one with deep gratitude for his words of wisdom and ever present Love... 


Coming into the Sanctuary with me today was our Beloved Regent, Sanat Kumara, Love in every fiber of his Being. How we all love him for the glorious service which he did ren­der this beautiful Star… and also Lord Divino, the Buddha! 

Now some of you have been going thru tremendous initiations recently and you have come into the Presence of the Buddha, the great Initiator, and he has given you all the assis­tance permitted by Cosmic Law. He wishes me to tell you that you have all advanced on the Ladder of Light bringing you into the Cosmic Consciousness.  

Now, I would like to speak a little about Divine Government for this Planet... and I am happy that you brought it up at this class... Beloved Nada, as some of you are aware, is very active in Government and from the tone of her Address this week you know that she is a Being of great Power - always tempered with Divine Love! And thru the mighty El Morya, Divine Government for this Planet shall come forth and it shall begin in these United States, the Heart Center of this Planet!  

I am asking you to daily, privately or collectively, make calls for the Divine Government and to enfold the President Elect in a Mantle of Protection... he is human and one never knows what forces will play upon him... we would ask you to insulate him and his cabinet, yet to be selected, in the Protection of the Mighty Hercules and remember his family, too. 

Beloved ones we have spoken about this thru the ages, but the Cosmic Edict has come forth for the Divine Government of these United States and for the Divine Government of your Holy Christ, your mighty Divine Director of each of your lifestreams... 

Blessed Lotus Flowers in the great Sea of Infinity... how I love you, and it is so beautiful to see the blending and the radiation of your beings… for you are convinced that service to the One Supreme Source is all that counts! You came to Earth you volunteered to bring this Planet to Perfection - to restore her to the True Estate she once knew. 

And so, my children, we shall proceed with the Communion Service and as you each drink of the Sacred Elixir, please know that Beloved Holy Æolus has charged this Essence with the Qualities of the Holy Spirit. Remember that... and we look forward to the time when you will be the Christ in Action at all times! 

Thank you lovely ones - I bow to your Light.

Love and Blessings,







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