Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin

A weekly Release of Esoteric Teachings


Volume 26, No. 49                                                                                                                                               Oct. 2, 1977


Beloved Ones:

As the great energies from each lifestream flow forth through the feelings through the thoughts and the faculties of the senses we see that the Cause behind the quality of energy, which is the offering of the lifestream to the Universal Light, must be corrected if the manifestation is to appear more perfectly.

The Cause behind one's speech, one's thought, one's action determines the quality of the tons and tons of energy that flow forth from the river's mouth to the great Ocean of Life in which all men and women dwell alike, breathing in the effluvia one of the other.

It is therefore the great service of the chelas to make the call to the Cosmic Lords of Creation to direct the mighty Flame from the Heart of God into the Inner Cause that germinates inharmony or imperfection, and when that Flaming Substance has dissolved the Cause, then the faculties and the expressions of man will feed the Energy of Life into the great Universal Sea of God...  Intelligence.

From the surface of the Earth in the atmosphere above through the astral realm flows the constant effluvium of mankind's thought, feeling and action. Every soul who aspires toward union with Divinity must seek his contact with God amidst the constant impact of this ocean of moving Force, which differs from hour to hour according to the pressure acting within the feeling and mental worlds of the peoples.

For instance, great international crises, great earth changes, great strain and stress make it more difficult for every aspiring soul to achieve Union with Divinity, because the moving, surging sea of emotion is pouring upon the lifestream at that hour.

It is easier, therefore, to achieve Union with God during times when the world is at Peace than when the world is at war mentally, emotionally and physically. That is why the constant use of the Mantle of Light preceding contemplation sets up a screen which deflects this energy from affecting the aspirant.

It is therefore the service of the chela to so establish within the lifestream of anyone he contacts a radiating center of Peace that will extend through the faculties and avenues of expression and become a factor for Good into the Universal Sea of Light. That is why groups of earnest chelas do much to prepare the lower atmosphere for the aspiration of the whole.

Love and Blessings,








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