A Message from the Holy Spirit




THE BRIDGE TO FREEDOM, INC.                                                                                           September 1977


My Beloved Brothers and Sisters: 

A parent may love a child in whom there may appear to be many shortcomings and yet the parent's love wipes out the faults and strengthens within the child the vision that the parent holds of the fine individual he believes him to be. Many such parents through­ out an entire embodiment have refused acceptance of the very apparent errors and mis­takes of their children even in the face of irrevocable evidence that the children who were part of themselves were at fault. 

This is because the parent feels that the child is a part of himself or herself and what hurts one hurts the other and what helps one helps the other. This is the father and son relationship which is so often spoken of in the New Testament by the Master Jesus and which shows in a limited degree what a person's consciousness can allow such an one to pour forth to a part of life. 

However, every man, woman and child, Ascended and unascended are far more closely connected with God and each other than any parent and child that the Earth has produced and when the Universal Love can be expanded so that every lifestream will be as eager for the good of even the casual stranger as the good parent is eager for the best of everything for his child, then we shall come into the Brotherhood which beloved Saint Germain is endeavoring to establish through the chelas and through the world. 

Realization that through your Cosmic father and mother within the Heart of the Great Central Sun came also the individualized Flames that represent the mankind of Earth today, will perhaps help you to comprehend the spiritual affinity which should tie the people of all Nations in Love. This realization would be the greatest uplifting power and forwarding impetus for the mankind of Earth in their journey homeward. 

As soon as one attains the Ascended Masters' Octave, he immediately accepts every man, woman and child in this Universe as the brother and sister of his heart, and he is welcomed into his presence with all the love and devotion and gratitude that his lifestream can draw forth. 

That is how we all work and serve in our Realm of Activity and to attain to our Realm in conscious realization you must come to the same point in your feeling nature. This would give you a tremendous uplift, and sustaining power, and would make you a center thru which the God Love is so eager to flow, into the seemingly alien Flames of its own Heart. That Love rushing forth can do much to redeem and raise the energy in those parts of yourself that you are meeting and contacting constantly in your daily endeavors. 


In the Spirit of Grace,

"I AM" Ĉolus Cosmic Holy Spirit