Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin

A weekly Release of Esoteric Teachings

Volume 26, No. 48                                                                                                                    February 26, 1978


Beloved Wayfarers on the Path of Light: 

As the soul passes on her way working in physical garment after physical garment she begins to learn the true worth of all the experiences that Life has presented, to her, in an endeavor to awaken the Love of the Spiritual Nature that the union between the human and the Divine might again take place. 

Thus you see after many incarnations individuals whose souls have freed themselves from the interest in the Earth and its many offers of pleasure, such a soul is on the point of experiencing Illumination. 

Many of the chelas have taken this impersonal attitude toward the usual pleasures afforded the human consciousness and that is why the Spiritual Light of the Ascended Masters' own Love has penetrated through the darkness to give them Understanding and to prepare their souls for union with their own Divine Self at the close of their Earth span - that they might no longer have to carry any physical embodiment that would limit the full enjoyment they could know in their Spiritual Freedom. 

Continue to cultivate the Spiritual Life for within it is not only the Pathway Home but the very Essence of the Raising Power, just as yeast within the dough forms the leaven in the loaf. 

When the lifestream comes to a point of impersonal forbearance, that one has come to the hour when the Spiritual Radiation of the Master can anchor in and form the permanent connection required for the full Freedom of the Spirit. 

Until that time man must experience and enjoy the things of Earth - the pleasures and pains of Earth - until the desire and design within himself which forms the appetites of the Earthplane are burned out... and then alone is he ready for Freedom. 

You have all reached the point of renunciation of the human... the choice is up to you!


Love and Blessings, THE MAHA CHOHAN