Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin

A weekly Release of Esoteric Teachings

 Volume 27, No. 6                                                                                                                                  May 7, 1978


Beloved of the Light: 

The spring from whence contentment or happiness, life or Light wells up is, of course, the Secret Place within the Heart. It is for man to discover the Source of these Qualities that he might enjoy the sweet essence that flows therefrom. 

A little contemplation will show the thinking individual that contentment and happiness are relative, because there are no two objects, conditions or states of circumstance that can draw the same amount of happiness from any two lifestreams. Things that give one person extreme pleasure and joy rouse in another no element of enjoyment or happiness. 

We therefore cannot say that externals in themselves can provide or maintain a sense of well-being, but that the individual's ability to respond to pleasant externals and that the sense of enjoyment arising within must be spontaneous, that the projections that fill the third dimensional plane might be appreciated and enjoyed during the Spirit's sojourn there. 

In all your asking, call for the wellspring of contentment and happiness and well-being to arise within the heart of all men and women born and yet to come and they will not then be dependent upon any external form for a temporary sense of security... or what the world in its limited understanding refers to as happiness and contentment. These are qualities of God that come from within the Three-fold Flame, the Christ Self, and a man content of heart finds happiness in a flower, a singing bird, a flowing stream... whereas the man without the well-spring of content within, although all the external wealth and beauty of the Universe be placed at his disposal, finds a bitterness and unrest. 

The people of Earth more than all else require well-being and that contentment which will replace the restlessness that comes from a dearth of Spiritual Essence in the soul. 

Love and Blessings,








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