Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin

A weekly Release of Esoteric Teachings


Volume 27, No. 50                                                                                                                                           March 11th, 1979


Beloved Ones: 

The process of stepping down Truth from the God Consciousness has been the office and service of the Messengers of the most High since the Universe and its individual lifestreams came into being. 

As the consciousness of the evolving soul became ready to absorb, realize and make its own a greater aspect of Truth, the teacher feeds that Truth into his Consciousness as carefully as the mother bird feeds it’s young, and as selectively. 

Because each lifestream’s consciousness is distinctively his own, and as there is such a vast difference in the capacity to absorb and retain the ever-expanding spiritual truth, the selective process is carefully delegated to spiritual beings who, in love, allow only so much of God's Being to enter the up-reaching consciousness as will nourish but not burst the individual's present periphery… 

And according to the soul digestion, absorption and resultant growth will such feeding be increased in substance and power. To give a newborn infant or a fledgling a meal that could only be digested by a full grown man or woman would result in almost certain death and the wisdom of the Dispensers of God's Knowledge have caused the graded order of spiritual teachers to provide for mankind's consciousness in its present state of growth and helplessness to receive and digest a portion of the God Truth. 

It is unfortunate that the appetite for the spiritual truths in the mass of mankind has not been stirred beyond the need for the actual sustaining of the souls smallest light and the semblance of orthodox religion has only succeeded in keeping the soul's life and light at its present low ebb. 

When beloved Jesus said:  Blessed are they that hunger and thirst after righteousness for they shall be filled - he truly did mean that those whose appetites were strong and would not be satisfied by the food of the fledgling would, by the very clamor of their soul's hunger even if those teachers had to come from the Invisible Realms carrying with them the consciousness which the earnest seeker demanded by their insatiable thirst and hunger. It is these few who have drawn and sustained the presence of the members of the Great White Brotherhood who otherwise, for lack of active service, would have to take their Energy elsewhere. 

You, who have been so generously given of the magnificent Truths are required to put these Tenets into action. Yes, some do, but those who just read the lessons are guilty of the sin of omission. 

Love and Blessings, THE MAHA CHOHAN





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