Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin

A weekly Release of Esoteric Teachings

Volume 27, No. 52                                                                                                                                 March 25, 1979


Beloved Chelas: 

With this Release we conclude the Lessons of this Volume.... we close the book on that cycle. Next week we will prepare to enter the Cycle of the Resurrection Activity... of spring! 

When one receives or purchases a book for his library, if he really enters the feeling of its contents, from time to time he will pick it up to review some passage which particularly attracted his attention. 

My lovely ones, I humbly counsel you to refer again and again to the Messages which you have received from the Cosmic Holy Spirit Æolus and to your weekly lessons which I am privileged to give you, containing words from my Heart and from other Beings who speak to you at the Transmission of the Flame Classes. 

Pause for a moment and think of the great privilege which is yours... to be the recipients of messages from on high, given to assist you on your forward progress on the Path of Light. We carefully look over our group of chelas and see what is required... sometimes even one has sent up a heart prayer for the answer to a question which may seem puzzling, and we hasten to answer the call knowing that the reply will and can benefit the entire group. 

What other group of lifestreams receives weekly instructions from the Holy Spirit, the third person of the Holy Trinity, who so loves the Light which you are that you are held within the Loving Radiation of the Third Ray? 

Yes, this volume comes to a close, but with the release of the succeeding volume, please remember that within your hands is the way and means to give you greater Illumi­nation to help you fulfill your dedicated heart desire to attain the Christ Consciousness which is necessary for your final Victory in the Ascension! 

Love and Blessings, THE MAHA CHOHAN






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