The Shamballa Letter

 VOLUME II, Number 5                                                                                                            January 29, 1980


Beloved  Lady Miriam

Blessed Hearts of Light, many of you knew me when I walked this Earth plane, and I speak to you today from the glorious Focus of Divine Service at Ceylon. What an honor it is to abide in the former residence of my illustrious guru, Holy Æolus and Beloved Paul, his son. Oh I am so reverently respectful to have this signal honor according me!  

Dear ones, I have come today to ask a favor of you – well really to remind you what every one of you owes to the mighty El Morya! My Beloved is and has been releasing all the Power at his command to stabilize the governments of this Earth… but I ask you to take stock of your cooperation with him in this almost overwhelming project… Overwhelming is hardly the word, but I use it to express the feeling within it… Beloved El Morya never lets anything or anyone overwhelm his service, not in any fashion. Even now he serves almost round the clock to get this project into action and working. He is always ready to find a way and means of ‘negotiating’ with the Cosmic Law for added assistance. 

Considering what he is doing and shall continue to do in regard to Divine Government for all Nations, I appeal to you to daily pledge some of your energies to assisting him. Your news reports and general printed matter in bold face present the ignominious conditions confronting the Spiritual Hierarchy in this avenue of service.  

How in the name of all that is good and holy can the Divine rulers focus their attention and take charge of all the governments on this Planet if we do not clean up the appalling negative conditions which are rampant! And where on Earth can Beloved Morya look for assistance but to his chelas… you who are dedicated to service. Stand up and be counted! 

Prove to Beloved El Morya that you are willing to help. Just what do you need to give you that extra push to get you to rally round his cause! Yes, you are aware of what is transpiring. What good does it do to intellectually absorb what is being presented through the news media and think ‘how dreadful – when is it all going to end?’ 

I can give you the answer… when you will invoke any Ascended or Cosmic Being of your choosing and with heartfelt feeling ask them to go into action with their particular activity to clean up the rubbish of man’s effluvia which has for centuries been polluting this Earth and all hereon. 

My Heart is sore tried, if I may use that expression, when I see the small amount of energy that is being offered to my beloved in his magnificent Service. I believe, I hope I have made my point, so I shall now conclude this message with the prayer that you will lovingly respond – without a moment’s hesitation or delay.

Lady Miriam

Chohan of the First Ray